did you hot soak them? It took 3 hot soaks for me to get all the shrink/excess bagginess out of my RS04's. Just fyi. Love the fit now.
did you hot soak them? It took 3 hot soaks for me to get all the shrink/excess bagginess out of my RS04's. Just fyi. Love the fit now.
Oddly enough, it took me three hot soaks as well. I had read a little bit on sufu about how easily these shrank but my experience has been quite the contrary. However, now they are good to go. I really hope that Roy will remake his Black and Blues next. I had the opportunity but just didn't pick them up. Now I'm regretting it.
The pics and dimensions are up in SE. I sense they are going to fly off the shelves!
Here are some photos of a shirt Roy made for me as a gift for Self Edge's sixth anniversary.
Fit pics Kiya??
One lucky sob…that is beautiful
Does the RS04 really only shrink .3" in the thigh like it says on the SE website? Some of the fit pics on sufu and on here look like a lot more shrinkage happened