I haven't smoked a cig in like 6 months. Last night, I decided it was time to put down an entire pack of Spirits.
Yabba dabba doo
Choices, choices, choices…
I think I'll go with;
As long as its with this, I'll be happy!
Good stuff JSJ
Choices, choices, choices…
Choices, choices, choices? Bollocks, I'd take the dildo at the top of the pic any day….
At the cigar club with my French big brother.
Absinthe, my evil mistress…
You are living the life brother
Just wish I was in my Iron Hearts and not this damn suit!!!
Okay, the choices just got a little harder!
JSJ, you are a wonderful new member, one of the best we've had (love y'all but…) around here in some time, and these pics really sealed the deal.
What's the year on that Louis bottle?
Z, you're too kind. Thank you, I'm very flattered. I've really enjoyed this forum and I'm so glad I found it. Not sure on the Louis, it was my first sip ever…HOLY SHIT!!! It was other worldly. It was like drinking angel juice. It's rare that I try something that is an altogether new experience, that was one.
Perfect description…of the Louis that is.