Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
The housing co=op idea sounds interesting. How does that work? Who owns it? Good job on fixing your room.
The co-op is definitely interesting, and it's a great place to live. My co-op is part of the Student Housing Co-op (SHC), which is a group of 15 housing co-ops ranging is size from 4 people up to 29 people (mine has 17). The properties are co-owned by all the members in the system. On a system wide level, decisions that affect the whole system, like purchase or sale of property, are voted on by the entire system.
On the house level we have a job system to make sure everything that needs done gets done, and so that the house stays clean. We also have house dinners 5 nights a week (someone has the job of preparing each meal) and keep a stocked pantry. Our "rent" is set up so that a portion goes to pay taxes on our properties and to pay the salaries of the few people our system employs (a handyman, someone to look after finances, etc) and the other portion goes towards house costs (food, utilities, cleaning supplies, etc). Much like the system, the houses are run democratically as well.
Overall it's a very cost effective way to live and it tends to build a strong sense of community within the houses, and across the system as a whole.
That seems a bit long winded, but hope that it's clear and made sense. If you have any questions feel free to ask!
genius concept, way to step up for leg deuce. -
I love that coop style, and its really cool to see it happening on a university level like that. Thanks for the explanation.
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Yep, great pics your house looks amazing, and thanks for the explanation, makes perfect sense.
Thanks for all the kind words. For a bit more brief background, the oldest housing co-op in our system was founded in 1939, so there is quite a bit of history within the co-ops here.
and it's game night tonight…
Just finished a round of Munchkin, and now it's time for a game or two of Settlers of Catan… -
Yes!!! I love settlers! What the flip is munchkin?!?!
You're basically going through a dungeon, killing monsters, and trying to level up. First player to level 10 wins. It's a pretty simple game and a blast to play. In lieu of Settlers we opted for Cosmic Encounter, which is more complicated but still a great time…
I do a pretty mean Ogre impression!
You're basically going through a dungeon, killing monsters, and trying to level up. First player to level 10 wins. It's a pretty simple game and a blast to play. In lieu of Settlers we opted for Cosmic Encounter, which is more complicated but still a great time…
Copped it today. Maybe we need a game thread. We could do a long distance, forum based game of something like, diplomacy….too nerdy?
Hits the nail on the head, hahaha
Copped it today. Maybe we need a game thread. We could do a long distance, forum based game of something like, diplomacy….too nerdy?
Never to nerdy, and I'd be down. I'll get a game thread going in the next few days…
Oh, and that's a damn good Ogre...