What's your favorite Beer?
Cheers for the introduction Doug.
Dear God… We are gonna drink an even stronger beer right now... Rochefort 10... 11.3°...
Jesus tapdancing christ… I'm normally not into brown beers, except for St Bernardus Abt 12, but this is so rich... Unbelievable... Expensive though - 2.13 € per bottle!.. :-[/quote]
true that buddy…the #8 is dope as hell as well!...still have one bottle left, from my trip to belgium, guess what it is?
^a meal in a glass
Randall the Enamel Animal..
It was a good weekend.
Oh, that looks nice. Hmmm, gonna have to figure out what to drink
forwith lunch. -
Nothing wrong with planning ahead; saves electricity. I'm going to be standing in front of my open refrigerator trying to decide which beer to drink. Very inefficient. I need to buy one of those glass door drink coolers that stores have.
I've got a bunch of Farmhouse Saison and Monogamy (Calypso) in the fridge right now:
The Meddler from Odell brewing co here in beautiful Fort Collins CO is pretty darned high on the list right now.
^looks great