All Things Mac/ Apple
Just given it all to Paula for her birthday. She is stunned, the music quality is fab (if not true Hi Fidelity). Not sure she has got her head around the fact the the iTouch with the Sonos App is just acting as the controller, but who cares, it all works and she's a happy bunny.
I also stuck 10,000 photos on the iTouch, so she's now engrossed in memories.
Love it….
I'm an Apple freak & a Linux freak myself. But I have a Linux (Ubuntu) netbook plus a Macbook Pro already so I'll pass. Note that I ignored the "iPhone Apps" thread – and that's cuz I use very few, only the most common ones which everyone else uses. I like iPhoto, the film and photography editing tools available for Mac OSX, but I pass on the sanitary napkin, er I mean, iPad. I hate Windows though. "I don't do Windows" at all though I hear Windows 7 saves Microsoft's ass. I'd rather have the IH Type III overdyed jacket than an iPad.
Read my 2 cents on the subject here:
So am I correct in assuming that no one here is purchasing this device?
I'll buy one for my mother. Get her to do internet. I also want one for myself but will wait until they come out with a version that has more memory. And I want to see what kind of keyboards are available. I want it as a modular netbook for travels. It will be slightly lighter than a netbook because of the lighter PSU. I will also not be forced to take the keyboard if I don't need it, further lightening the load.
Will buy it in May only. I don't want a first production model.
hey guys!
i am counting the days (6) until my 16gig wifi model shows up.
i see myself using it as a content consumption device. reading in bed, surfing while watching the tube, using as a sheet music device, and many other uses.
personally i cant wait.
ps. i have a position and i am loooooong apple, so i do have a dog in this fight.
Here's my 2 cents:
1. no front facing camera (yet). i like to use skype when overseas to talk to family etc.
2. no host USB port. I would love to be able to connect a CF card reader and upload raw pics for back up while on the road.
3. no file browser (finder).
4. no multitasking.
5. too big. i wish it was around 5x7.Overall I think this thing was rushed out. I was really looking forward to it for almost a year and then was disappointed. It doesn't do anything better than a laptop (or netbook) and actually does much less and has more restrictions. A macbook would be a better purchase right now (the simple white one).
A macbook would be a better purchase right now (the simple white one).
Just ordered mine yesterday!!!
A macbook would be a better purchase right now (the simple white one).
Just ordered mine yesterday!!!
Nice! Probably what most (95% or so) of folks really only need. I have a mb pro 15" 2.8ghz and it was just overkill. Although I do a lot of photo work (editing, etc.).
I have the 12' PowerBook G4 as well and the G5 Tower. The PowerBook is on its last leg as we speak. My friens who works for Mac told me unless you were doing Video Editing, there was no need to get the MacBook Pro as opposed to the MacBook. The insides are the same except for the Video Card. I really cannot wait for my new Hardware to show up!
Yeah! I went with the 2.8 15" since I use it mostly for photo editing and I wanted the larger screen. I wanted the better video card for 'once-in-a-while' video gaming, but I barely do that now.
Have fun with your new machine!
Are you on yours right now writing us? You better be!
Well, I got my 16GB wifi version yesterday and I love it!
Try one out and see for yourself.
No doubt that I would love it, but it just doesn't have the features that I'm looking for. At least not at this time. And it doesn't fill the gap between iphone and laptop as well as I thought it would.