IHM-03 - Whipcord N1 Deck Jacket (Black & Olive)
Any camping supply store or online retailer will stock a silicone based waterproofing spray for canvas tents (mine was by Jack Pyke), one quick spray and you're good for the winter. Costs around £5 -£7, does not stain or alter the material in any way, don't try it on nylon though.
That was my favorite part!!!
Can't wait for your pics, if I hadn't jumped on the IHM-02, I'd now be owning 2 deck coats
Friday so happy for you. you will get used to the oversized zipper, I think this size is exactly what a jacket like this needs. you may apply the coating yourself like bandit did on his MF and going into the IH hall of fame for doing this as first ever or is there anybody who did a personal modification like that with any other IH product?