All Things Mac/ Apple
Can someone design an I Phone app for Iron Heart.
I've just got an I Phone and it's a balls ache getting to the forum through Google all the time, or maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Suggestions please.
Simon -
I'm assuming this is your first smartphone? It will get easier, just keep using it. You should be able to bookmark IH forum in the browser so that you don't have to search Google for it every time you want to visit.
You asume correctly.
Thanks for the tip. -
I feel as though I should sit in a quiet room for about a week to get to grips with it, or maybe I should RTFM !
Simon -
Maybe the iPhone topic needs to be made more generic – move this thread into the existing iPhone thread : -
I agree Shubs, should have searched the forums.
I've managed to bookmark it now, thanks all.
Simon -
for some reason whenever i watch videos of people breaking expensive things it makes my stomach twist into knots. It's like watching someone throw a plate of food on the ground in front of a bunch of starving children. Such a waste :-\
I thought the same thing when I watched that. I was thinking it would have been smarter to take the $500 and feed hungry children (charity, etc.). But that wouldn't be 'cool'!
So I went to the Best Buy to grab something today and decided to check out the iPad…
So I went to the Best Buy to grab something today and decided to check out the iPad…
lol. I did the same exact thing about a week ago.
So I went to the Best Buy to grab something today and decided to check out the iPad…
I guess that was already up there when you went in, wasn't it?
So I went to the Best Buy to grab something today and decided to check out the iPad…
I guess that was already up there when you went in, wasn't it?
No, but I damn sure left it on all four floor models!
Just picked up the new iPhone 4 to replace my dinosaur 3G. Thus far, it has worked perfectly! My free case has already been ordered and should show up in the next few weeks…
$18k?!?!?!?! Link please… And to answer your question, prob not.