The Flat Head
Ok Seul. Are you going to keep both (the FH and the IHSH-68)?
What's your impression between the two? This one is diamonds and dots right? -
The best wabash fit yet, for you Eli. How's that denim? FH uses a 12oz denim, then they discharge print the dots. IH uses a 12oz twill weave and they bleach the dots into the fabric. Personally I like the IH wabash better because it represents traditional wabash, but in a way heavier than traditional weight.
Seul, I think that wabash looks perfect on you. Enjoy it and wear it HARD!
I love my FH wabsh and like the fact that it's "real" denim. Somehow the lighter colour of the IH ones never appealed to me that much. But the fading abilities are better on the IH ones. So, why not keep both?
And the results. SEXFHXRJB15 post-soak.
I dig the fit and the denim a lot!
I think that RJB denim fades so beautifully and you will end up with amazing jeans in a year or two. Easily one of the nicest fabrics out there. I'm just put off by RJB's standard arcs and patch which aesthetically are not my thing at all.
Yeah, in my opinion, rjb has equally or better fading characteristics than IH. I actually really dig the individual stuff on rjb, especially the sword embroidery and patch. But to each his own!