Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
Chicago screws are the way to go IMHO.
I believe the buckle is attached using snaps/ rivets. I have no idea what a Chicago screw is, or if they are even used in English leather work.
Here are some pictures of belts from the same manufacturer.
Oooo Daddy Likey
Those are some righteous belts.
I have no idea what a Chicago screw is.
I'm sure that some of the Chicago Forum members could arrange for this to be performed on you…
I also think that 2" would be too wide for most jeans, but I was asked if it could be an option. Also in total agreement that 1.5" is the way to go with a belt.
I have no idea what a Chicago screw is.
I'm sure that some of the Chicago Forum members could arrange for this to be performed on you…
Not sure this would be a good thing
I also think that 2" would be too wide for most jeans, but I was asked if it could be an option. Also in total agreement that 1.5" is the way to go with a belt.
I have no idea what a Chicago screw is.
I'm sure that some of the Chicago Forum members could arrange for this to be performed on you…
And this is the boring version…
Don't Chicago screws have a tendency to come undone? It could just be my experience. Also, I've always been too lazy to buy some Loctite.
I've never used Locktite; Jack's right- nail polish works perfectly. We married guys have access to wheelbarrows of that stuff…
Yep, if you're brave enough to wear 25oz denim, you can be brave enough to walk into a pharmacy and buy nail polish remover
Nice updates on the belts.
+1 on the 1.75
A few more images for you of the man himself in belt making action ….