Evolution of Leather - Belts Wallets Patches
niceeee … glad you like it, mate
Interesting. Is Belgeranian hygiene so bad that such a product is necessary, or do Belgerish have naturally emitting crotch foulness, like skunks? That would explain why you people are so unappealing…
There are a few things you should try to get rid of your swamp ass reek before you buy a new wallet. Leave it out in the sun for a while… Uv rays destroy bacteria..just don't leave it for too long. Wrap that shit up in newspaper and throw it somewhere for a few days to try and absorb that swass. You can try covering it in baking soda overnight. It should absorb some of the smell and after you can just brush it off with a valet brush, wife's soft hairbrush... Something like that
I probably would reccomend against rubbing any food items including citrus fruits on your gear