Naked & Famous
You guys are good people
I am going to come at the N&F brand at a different angle, I rather like their stuff. Understandably you guys are IH fans through and through.
I got my start with Nudie, then moved to N&F mostly because they were the only two brands the local store carried and they were less costly, they were IMO better quality, and the store gave them great reviews. At the time, had someone tried to talk me into a $400 - $500 pair of jeans there would have been no way in heck I would have ever gotten into raw denim. Even the $200 Nudies were way beyond anything I had ever purchased before.
In reading the thread it seems to be the opinion of most of those that posted, don't think much of N&F since they don't do things like IH. It doesn't take a business degree to realize that doing the same thing that countless other brands are doing means your market share is going to be a small percent of the pie. N&F came at it with at a different angle, make affordable, great quality selvage denim that the average guy could afford and look great in. Brandon hand picks or designs all the fabric for the jeans then they are shipped to Canada where they are cut and sewn into jeans. This is part of the reason the costs are lower. There is a ton less taxes they have to pay on fabric v.s. pre made jeans. N&F does a lot of unusual things with their denim, scratch and sniff, glow in the dark, reverse fade etc.. These types of jeans get people talking and exicted for raw denim, and for many are really quite fun. Another thing I like about N&F is all the colabs they do with other denim companies, Oni, Big John, Flat Head (twice), Kamikaze Attack, Momotaro etc.. which opens N&F fans to world outside of N&F, but still offering the jeans at a great price.
I have met and gotten to know Brandon over the years and he is a stand up, crazy denim nerd. This guy eats, sleeps, and dreams in denim. Customer service is second to none and as a Canadian I happily support another Canuck. What other raw denim designer/owner travels the world to meet his customers at local mom and pop shops? Heck the last time he was in town he and a big of customers and store staff all went out bowling together!
If it wasn't for N&F, I wouldn't be into raw denim as much, I wouldn't be on this site, I wouldn't have signed up for the Heavy Weight Denim Champion of the World (going to be wearing the N&F 32oz!)
Cheers everyone!
Yep, big respect for what N&F do, making raw denim affordable and treating their customers right. Looking forward to seeing how your jeans turn out in the comp NH.
I was one of those guys who got into raw denim via N&F. I remember being pretty excited when I got my first pair, and wore them a fair bit.
The only pair I hung onto was the Momotaro collab Skinny Guys (which were simply Momotaro jeans cut to a N&F pattern). Still wear them occasionally, and without question they are as good as my other Momotaros. Ironically it was these collab jeans that showed me a new level of craftmanship, which meant I never went back to N&F.
I recall Brandon personally replying to my questions back in those days, and would totally agree with the comments about his customer service ethic. Although I've moved on, I have good memories of N&F.
N&F is how I got into raw denim. I'm still very new to the scene, but I've loved my Red Core. I know the idea of quirky jeans is probably frowned upon by a lot on this forum, but I love em. I'm 7 months in and the red is really starting to come through, but only if you're close up. They are due for a wash so I'll have to post pics.
I took a look at a pair of the Big Slub Weird Guy jeans in Liberty's of London at the weekend. (There's a bit of a sale there, and a few half-decent jeans to be had.)
I'm not a denim nerd, so I don't know all the finer points of construction about jeans, but they seemed pretty solidly made. After the bad press they get on some of the forums, I was pleasantly surprised.
Naked & Famous
The Weird Guy Jeans in Double Sided Camo 38W
Nice BF. Im looking into getting a pair of these. Hopefully on sale tho cuz they will be used for screwin around outside. Can u post the measurements on those 36's? Thanks dude
Those camo are crazy cool.
I was trying to get a buddy into raw denim. He would go once a year to saks or somewhere and pay 200 bucks for 'name' brand denim of spotty quality and I would annually give him a hard time about it.
His father used to be in the garment industry and worked at Cone Mills for a time so I was trying to get him to buy the Roy (4th series) jeans. He ended up getting a pair of Naked and Famous and really likes em - I couldn't fault his choice one bit.
i think i just threw up in my mouth then had a flash back to grade 6 and wearing shirts that changed color with heat
I do like the eat dust stuff. Their bloodline vest is the sickness.
Global Hypercolour tee shirts were
back in the day.
…the only place that really matters.