White's Boots
^love those socks
new leather options coming up to complement otter!
http://m.jalopnik.com/5380680/15m-russian-suv-features-diamonds-whale-penis-leatherHahaha. Awesome. I want some classic work boots in all Whale Penis leather. Gonna look hard as feck
Agreed. On Tuesday, I'm calling every bootmaker I know to see if they can track down whale penis leather for my next pair of boots…
EDIT: I just like saying whale penis leather. I'm going to see how many posts I can mention it before the amusement wears off for me.
Do you like fish sticks?
Of course, especially with chips and malt vinegar.
Is that where whale penis leather comes from?
Def wouldnt wanna take an ass kicking by a dude wearing Whale Penis leather boots thats fer sure
Trying not to crowbar this in but my website specialising in White's only for now is pretty much live apart from a few changes and tweaks but I will have the build a boot options there. I'm based in the UK so if you wanted to order through someone in Europe please get in touch and I can price a boot for you if of interest. Will put the website address up next week anyway.
This sounds so good!!!
has any experience with french calf leathers? how do they fare? what are the pros and cons?
has any experience with french calf leathers? how do they fare? what are the pros and cons?
French Calf leathers does have great patina to them after long wear.
D666. What happened?
With what?