Random questions to which you seek an answer
Any aspiring web builders out there looking for a project…..get at me bro's
I think that's a common misconception. There are numerous strains of the medicinal variety that are geared primarily towards alleviating stress and anxiety. Moderation is important, of course.
I do tend to agree with you concerning coffee. However, I am having a harder time quitting this substance than I did cigarettes, which deeply annoys and simultaneously confuses me.
If I had to do hard strenuous labour, I'd look into the overalls like IH-815 or IH-805/6:
Be sure to find a tailor close by. IH fabric is pretty indestructible by itself. But when sewn together into regular 5 pocket jeans, the weakness is the crotch seam. If you work hard in your jeans you will eventually have to repair the seams and fix holes, unless you don't care about the crotch seam falling apart well before the rest of the jeans, in which case IH jeans should be great for you.
i'm wearing my pair of 634s-raw to work (5 days a week)!
besides university I work in some sort of warehouse. we're producing emergency fire doors for all bigger companies or building sites all over the world (latest and last order is over 800 doors for a soccer stadium in brasil that needs to step up their game for the upcoming world championship in 2014)…IH is built to last (a long fucking time) and if you chose the right pair for the right work, you'll have no problems at all...
my 634s-raw's are my most worn, most faded but also most intact pair of jeans I own (considering the time of wear I've put into each pair!)