Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Eli I have a Startac Umnumzaan coming this week. The Ti Lock is a tremendous knife however it does not have the durability of a Umnumzaan or Sebenza it's more of a gentlemen's carrier.
At almost 9" it's too big for me… But beautiful piece...
Heh heh heh heh heh…
I'm sure you can handle it, Eli.
Anyone got anything from Perkin Knives in the UK?
Just had a quick look on Britishblades.com - lots of negative thoughts there for Perkins! Ah well, I just bought a a kukri or three from Himalayan Imports, so I've had my fix for the time being.
^not automatic
got this beauty today. those who read the heritage post might have seen the article about this knife in edition no. 2/2012 on page 144. The blacksmith, Yannick Epiard builds the blades from railing steel dated 13th-15th century, which he found in the cathedral in Reims, France…wow...he got the inspiration of this "piemontais" from an extremely rare find from diggings near a cathedral in London, which seems to be the oldest known pocketknife to date.
A knife from the middle age, back to the roots guys
That knife is really neat Davito, would really like to see it in person!