IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
I should clarify that the snug was more for the waist (and even there not too bad) I have plenty of room in the thigh on the bb od. I have these from self edge http://www.selfedge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=68&products_id=734 in a 32 and the thigh is snug but good. So all in all the 32 in the 666s should work. Thanks for all the help. I gotta say this is the friendliest and most snark free forum I have found.
Agree you're safe with same tag size in raws and 21oz - that was good for me - the 18s stretch, esp. the waist. But I don't know nuthin about how the overdyes behave… go with what the experts say. But I can say the 18s are great - can't imagine you'll be disappointed - but obviously need to get sizing right.
"Ian, having owned both pairs in the same sizes, I suggest going with a size 33 in the 666S. My size 33 busters are my best fitting pair, and I had to sell my size 32 666S cause they were too tight"
Elclintor, You had the buster over dyed right? And where they snug in the thigh or roomy? And where the 666s tight all over or just too tight in one place. I'm thinking the 32's will be spot on but now you have me wondering…
Haraki and Giles signed my devils
and the result:
Finally soaked mine - my normal IH size is 32; went with a 33 in these due to thighs.
There's one particular area that's bothering me. I'm not going to say what it is yet, because I'm wondering if anyone else will notice it, or if it's all in my head….
edit - Fack, let this be a lesson to everyone - this is what happens when it's winter, and you're pasty white, and you set your cam to +1EV to show greater detail in your dark jawns, and then post pics of yourself on the internet.
Haha, is the material "bulging out" some? Is that what you are noticing? I had the same issue - when I first got my BBs my wife immediately laughed and groped me - it's the same with the 18-Devils - wouldn't worry about it. Only other thought I have is you might try soaking them again, real hot tap, and agitating them, to get all the shrinkage. G suggested that to me (mine did not shrink much at all) but I haven't done it yet - gonna wear em awhile. Personally I think they look like a good fit on you, but it appears you've definitely got some extra room - and for sure they will stretch - pretty quickly. FYI I went with same tag size I normally wear in IH and glad I did.
Do you soak inside out, or does it matter?
no need to turn them inside out when "just" soaking (in a tub, sink, etc.)…the inside out thing is just important if you give them a real wash, so that you prevent the denim from getting weird stripes from the jeans "rubbing" against the drum and all!
Well, I guess the bulge wasn't all in my head after all…
I think it's a combination of the sizing up, the thighs being a bit tighter than the top block, and the fact that I had the jeans folded in my closed for a while (which contributed to the main crease).
Probably not too much more shrinking to be had, as I went with my usual method of 30 minute hot soak, replace with new hot water, 30 more minutes, then a quick hot wash on the gentle cycle for agitation. I also don't expect too much stretch in the waist/bulge area, since there won't be pressure there. Hopefully the thighs will loosen up a bit, and the issue will go away (at least somewhat). I would not want to misrepresent myself to any young ladies who might happen to be staring at my crotch.