Random Announcements
**Final Winners Announcement For Round 1 Of The Heavyweight Denim Championships Of The World.
And we have quite an amazing end to competition, with something that I doubt anyone coud have predicted, a German 1,2,3 finish.
1st - Nietenhosen - Iron Heart 666S - 18oz Raw Denim
2nd - Dingo - Samurai S5000VX - 21oz Raw Denim
3rd - Beatle - Iron Heart Beatle Buster - 21oz Sanforised DenimCongratulations to all our winners, please contact Kiya for your Self Edge gift certificate prizes. I will arrange to have the HWDC belt shipped to our first Heavyweight Champion Of The World..
After reading the announcement, press this: http://inception.davepedu.com/
In today's interview I was asked about passions other than IT. Happily waxed on lyrically about Japanese Selvedge Denim, and artisan/anti-mass-production, source of products, older methods trumping new, types and weights of cotton. He'd never heard of selvedge before, but left very curious, LOL. Nothing but honest, why not yo?
(Didn't pass on I was wearing IH black denim pants at the time tho ;))
Did you mention the irony of being drawn to hand craftsmanship and the superiority of old products over new when you work in a field where every new generation is better- faster, more powerful and cheaper?
No I didn't, but I don't see much gap. I tailor solutions to stand the test of time, not ones that need to be replaced every few years :). On a whole the duality somewhat does my head in. Personal interests are slower and more human, work interests are more abstracted and virtualized, both paths are moving away from each other, so I get your point totally, just try design for long term, not short. And here I am :).
Got a baby girl coming mid July!
Congratulations man