Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
RBG, congratulations to you and your Lady.
World Tour Dad, that's gonna be hard to top, many congrats …
Congrats on a beautiful looking baby, many happy returns to your family :).
Thanks everyone!
Many congratulations Nate - total cool, total power!
Nate, so very thrilled for you!
hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posting as of late….the last few days have been a little hectic as i'm sure you can all imagine. i'm planning on posting some more soon but i should find out who's getting these bad boys next? i'm going to hate not wearing these every day.
Yeah, seriously- no one expects you to do anything right now except to take care of your wife and baby. All the rest can be sorted out later, when things settle down.
Although I know Paula would love to see some pictures of your baby…
congrats rbg.
glad mom & baby are doing well.
thanks for all the kind words everyone. i haven't left the house much in the past week and a half, so i think it's time for the jawns to travel to their next destination….i can't seem to find the updated running order so does anyone know where these babies are headed?
riffblaster general
SnowyI think this is the current order, but I don't know if Clint still wants to do a leg, since the HWDC starts in a couple of weeks?
didn't clint just have em?
Yeah, you're right. I guess that would make foxy next?