The Knights in White Denim Tour -AKA The White Trash Tour…
if you don't mind loghill, I'd love to know the details of the shots (camera used, format used, editing done to the pics)…pm of you want!
I'm always looking to get a similar touch to my pics...I really love the outcome of the pics mate!I asked pretty much so the same question in the WAYDT thread :). Perhaps a post in the photography thread would be of great use? Similar to Finn, I've been after a similar feel for YEARS.
loghill & jii you two should go out for romantic get aways more often.
great photo set.
jii your fit in the whites makes me a believer; much respect for having the balls & dare i say style to pull off white denim in winter with out looking insane.
Aweome pic's and updates Loghill, what cam did you use?
Cheers for sharing
Wow, thanks guys! I posted something about the photos to the photography thread.
Giles, the posts are actually more for the summertime, the path that leads to those islands is made of wood and the posts are keeping it put. It looks like this without the snow.
Great posts, and I agree, these strangely look great on you. White jeans are something that is really hard to pull off without looking like a complete ass, you, my friend, looking quite the opposite. I'm genuinely impressed and think they look smashing.