IHSH-78 - Indigo Dyed Hickory Stripe Work Shirt
Merci Madame
…ahhh hell, who am I kidding. I couldn't wait even an hour
It's well and truly exceeded my expectations. I was NOT expecting a stiff-work shirt. Nor was I expecting stiff button/holes. The buttons feel great, the shirt feels great, it's a fantastic weight for the office. The fit (for me) is perfect. It's a little boxy due to the stiffness, but wow, totally worth the wait.
I have an ear to ear grin that's just not leaving my face.
Marginally better daylight pic…
Layered with the 71 - perfect for this freezing-ass 'Spring' weather
GM shirt looks great on you.
snowy nice pick-up.
inside of this shirt is very similar to the most recent wabash fabric . . .