The Flat Head
Thanks for the post Rafa. Very interesting to know that the THC line of shirts is not loopwheeled.
Ha, me neither until recently when I checked out all the different lines on the website. It can be a little confusing… I have a couple of THC ones, including an RJBxTFH shirt I just picked up and also a couple of Glory Park TD shirts. All amazing quality - as you know.
Thanks for the info, Rafa … As a side note: next to the THC model you also have THCD (which is the wide version of THC), maybe there's a demand from the west for this? ...
According to Kiya, the THC series is loopwheeled. The plot thickens….
According to Kiya, the THC series is loopwheeled. The plot thickens….
well i guess that´s cuz the old translator of TFH said so (like stated in the post of mine!)…kyle is pretty new at TFH, maybe just a few weeks in now, but his knowledge about the brand and the whole denim thing i.g. is pretty enorm, so that i´m really trusting him on that!
So happy I copped this…
Fit pics to come!
Coupled with the varsity. Shit do I love flat head…
According to Kiya, the THC series is loopwheeled. The plot thickens….
I specifically bought 2 THC tshirt after reading kiya's comment..only to know
that it isn't loopwheeled now.. -
According to Kiya, the THC series is loopwheeled. The plot thickens….
I specifically bought 2 THC tshirt after reading kiya's comment..only to know
that it isn't loopwheeled now..Well, there seems to be a little confusion as to whether they are or are not loop-wheeled. I'd wait for some more information before drawing a conclusion one way or the other. BTW, I've also bought THC t-shirts from Kiya at Self-Edge.
Hi dudes, this is Cold Summer / Kyle@TFH here.
This is a sticky situation.
I've actually been wondering about this for the past year. I can read Japanese, and I noticed that the word used for loopwheeling in Japanese (吊り編み機) was nowhere to be found on the THC tees' product page. I thought that perhaps this was a simple oversight, but when we had a chance to see a loopwheel machine at Flat Head's Heritage Garage last week, I asked our guide point-blank if the THC tees were loopwheeled, and he said that they weren't.
I'm not really sure why this is. These tees are one of TFH's most popular items and it's possible that loopwheel fabric just can't be produced in the quantities necessary to meet demand; when I asked about it, I was told that the specs on these tees haven't changed over time. As anybody who owns one of these T-shirts already knows, the fabric and construction is second to none, and almost all of our T-shirts (excluding special ones like the Flatlock series) cost the same, so it's not an issue of money. Knowing all of this, I bought four THC tees the other day, and I honestly prefer them to any other tees I've touched, loopwheeled or not. I think we need to evalutate these - and tees by other Japanese manufacturers, for that matter - on their own merits, rather than based on the mystique of any particular machine used in constructing it. But I understand people may be upset if they bought a product expecting one thing, and got something else instead. I can tell you that the TD series is definitely loopwheeled, along with many of the other lines.
I don't believe there has been any intent to mislead on the part of our dealers. Kiya and others have advertised their products with the best information available to them at the time. Nor has TFH attempted any deception - if that was the case, I wouldn't be typing this right now! The correct information has always been available in Japanese and on our website. And I'm committed to providing the most accurate and honest information on our products that I possibly can.
It's simply an issue resulting from previous misunderstandings in translation. As Finn pointed out, I only recently joined the TFH crew. The previous TFH translator was neither a native English speaker nor a denim enthusiast familiar with the terminology of our hobby, and didn't make the distinction between round-body construction and loopwheeled fabric. As a result, the catalogue (and probably all previous ones) was very unclear on this matter.
Fortunately for you, I'm here to ensure that these sorts of misunderstands don't happen. I know the English and Japanese vocab for all of this and bring a borderline obsessive-compulsive/aspergian level of denim enthusiasm to the job. I'm going to make sure that our customers and dealers alike have clear information on specs from now on.
I had hoped to stay quiet about this whole issue - I wanted to give the dealers a chance to deal with this issue as they saw fit, or alternative wait until the company gives me an official statement to post on the whole matter. Apparently some decided to publicize it; that's entirely at their discretion. I will have more information for you when Flat Head provides it for me, and I apologize for any misunderstandings that may have occurred concerning the specs of the THC tees. I've already translated a lot of pages for the site - including T-shirts - which will hopefully be going live soon, depending on when our webmaster puts it up.
- Kyle