The Flat Head
Thank you. Also for posting the link to the website. This jacket looks great!
Btw, is there any info about wear and washes?Worn for two years and washed 9 times.
anyone know where to pick up a plain white TFH shirt preferably the same construciton as the THC shirts? I have been on the hunt for the perfect white tee..
Yeah…. I believe I'd have to proxy from rakuten and don't really know how to do that... At least that is what I have understood from my reading... Thanks tho rocket... Hopefully I can figure it out
you can order directly from them,j just write them an email in simple english, which you also translate into Japanese
ok. thanks guys! BF you said write it in simple english and then translate to japanese.. Is there an app/service that is best for this? I've been hesitant on several tings from rakuten because i was always under the impression that a proxy was needed. Gonna give it a whirl. Thank you both
If you're thinking about buying from the store rocket linked to, (2nd) I'm pretty sure you won't need a proxy. I know they do lots of international business and are willing to ship directly.
if you don't have a question, you can normaly just put the stuff in the cart and order…
usual it works like, (for the shops with the "we welcome foreign buyers" logo, see left side of the link) you put the stuff in the cart, checkout and they will email you to confirm your order or not, if they run out of stock, what happen, you pay and they ship directly to you...
you can use their rakuten check out (you have to register at rakuten for that I think) or just write them an email directly (that's how I always order fromn Japan).
Just translate with google translate..worked so far every time and I bought 2 or 3 jeans from them
Grabbed 2 myself
Grabbed 2 myself
What ones did you get? I got this
Might be the coolest t-shirt I ever will own.
Just plain whites… I'm not so much Into graphic tees... I have a few but not many catch my eye