IHV-07 - Indigo 17oz Selvedge Denim Zippered Waistcoat
… i'm undecided how I feel about this.. can't decide if I
Something about you looks different, rocket. I can't quite put my finger on it…
Got it today - very nice piece - fit is perfect for me, 46-XXXL - my first IH "top".
Pros: relatively light weight, comfortable out of the box, "fitted" but not tight, unique styling vs. truckers. Length is good too, comes halfway over the buckle in front, wearing 634s. I'll wear this all spring, summer, fall with t-shirts, to ride my motorcycle, and just jack around. I love vests - my first in denim - impressed. Outer pockets are functional, nice styling details - incl. zipper is convenient - like it, it's different. Not sure I would have jumped right on this if not the unique look.
Cons: Like the zipper,but not a fan of "left-handed" - but i can live with it - never had a lefty zipper before, feels odd. The chest pockets are pretty small and a bit hard to get in and out of - don't see myself using these much - not very functional. I wouldn't mind having an inner pocket, even a small one.
Overall love it. Now I'm wanting a 22oz super-black vest. Nice to know I can wear IH XXXL - lots of options to explore :).
I am going to try and figure out how to post pics. I've got some boots on the way too…
Jordan23, that looks like a perfect fit, and goes great with the Wabash. TFH?
Thx mate! And yes it is a TFH-Wabash.
wasnt sure about this vest ….but damn looks great on this dude