The Knights in White Denim Tour -AKA The White Trash Tour…
Great leg Jii, this tour has been a fun cultural experience so far…...apart from that idiot from the shit town in the East Mids of the UK.
This week has been pretty rough at work. The air in the office was filled with much intense for the whole week as there were many disagreements in terms of our new brand strategies.
Fortunately, other than work, the week has been pretty awesome for me. I've always wanted my own bicycle, and since I've been working for about 6 months already, I got a bit of cash to spare. I bought a Diamondback Overdrive 29er from a local departmental store over the last weekend. And it was delivered to me on Thursday. I'm pretty stocked to be honest.
I fucking love the huge ass wheels.My girlfriend got really jealous when she saw my bike, and wants her own bike as well. So today, we went for some shopping for her new bike. We went to a few shops and decided to get hers from a neighbourhood store with bikes at really affordable prices.
She finally settled for this white mini bike.
And very obviously, we decided to spend the rest of the night cycling with a few other friends. And I'm really dead tired now (4.45AM), and I guess I really need some rest. I apologise for the lack of fit pics, I promised that I would something to show next week! Hope my little post is decent enough to keep u guys updated!!! -
Yesterday was a day out shopping and spending time with my girl and my best friend to celebrate his birthday. We headed to the city area for a bit of shopping and of course, having some delicious food is a must. The weather was pretty good and sunny, but the temperature was killing us. It was about 34˚c.
We met at 3pm and were all starving. We decided to have a quick and light lunch before going for some shopping.
We headed to this sushi chain called "Sushi Express". We kinda like the concept of this restaurant. Every plate of sushi/snacks/sashimi are priced at $1.50 each, and during the busy timings, each of us is limited to 50 minutes to finish up our meal. There wasn't many people around, and we could stay as long as we want.
The sushi chef preparing the food on the conveyor belt.
The 3 of us managed 24 plates altogether!
We then headed to a near shopping mall to have a walk.
The weather is pretty good to be honest! And that's the Singapore Flyer!
Have no freaking why the "panorama" mode on my phone always screw up like this.
I like the interior of this mall!At 7.30pm, we met up with other friends to have a little birthday dinner at the restaurant. My friend is a member and got a 50% discount voucher to dine in on his birthday month. That is hell a lot of discount!
And here are the food!!!
Puff Pastry with Mushroom Stuffing
Here is my mains! Grilled Chicken Thighs in Grain Mastard Sauce.
My drink. Ice Apple and Peach Tea. Love it as it's very refreshing and perfect for such a hot weather.Had a wonderful day out with a bunch of friends. I love days like these. And now it's time to burn some calories. Going to some cycling soon! Glad to share with u guys my usual Saturday day out, and hope u guys like the photos!
Awesome posts Ron, the nice personal note from Jii, your new bike, the food, the pic's of Singapore. Cool and thanks for sharing.
Went cycling (again) on Sunday evening.
We cycled around the beach for about 15 mins and I finally realised that the sunset that day was such a beautiful sight.
It felt pretty surreal and calm, as the park was pretty quiet and empty.We continued to explore the area and after about 6km, we saw this restaurant which was restalled from an old building in the Changi Area. Changi is an area packed with history with old and abandoned buildings.
This is pretty nice place to chill out.
Across the road is this empty old building which used to be a hospital. It was bulit in 1935 and was commissioned and named the Royal Air Force (RAF) Hospital. During the World War 2, this compound was occupied by the Japanese Troops and believed to be used as a Torture Chamber. It continued to be a hospital used by the military after the war ended and ceased operations in 1997.Today, we called The Old Changi Hospital. It is believed that this is one of the most haunted locations in Singapore. The buildings were said to be haunted by victims of the Japanese occupation. There are rumours saying that screams and shadows could be seen and heard. Many people nowadays like to give themselves a little scare and explore the area at night in total darkness. In my case, taking a peep from the opposite already freaked me out.
Alright, after a little "chilly" feeling, me and my friend decided that we need a little snack to give us a little more energy and we found this little cafe selling some really good chocolate desserts.That's all for today, and I promised some fit pics tomorrow!!
Today, my friends and I decided to head to TSS/OGL a trip. Met my friend at Haji Lane which is about 2 streets away from TSS and is said to the narrowest lane which anyone could drive in this country.
This is also one of the streets in Singapore with a very rich street culture. There are shop houses selling clothes of all sorts, and I would say they are mainly street wear brands and clothes all the ladies. There are also a few cafes around.Time for some proper fit pics.
IH634S-WH (World Tour)
My friend is in Left Field Duck and White’s Boots in Black CxlWe took a 5 minutes walk to TSS from Haji Lane, and had to pass by Arab Street/Bussorah Street, which are packed with eateries and cafes. This is a really lovely place to chill out and is filled with strong heritage. I believe this is also one of reasons why the TSS crew love this area.
And finally we arrive at TSS/OGL. We went straight up to the upper floor where OGL is.
This is where the OGL craftmen get the hands on and dirty.
Their personal collection of jeans. I highly suspect most of them belong to Johhny and James.
I saw this suspicious box lying, and could only open it up to check it out.
Leather swatches from Horween! Damn, I really love the leathers feel. -
Downstairs is where TSS is.
There are always enough drinks to go around.TSS/OGL is also really nice place for a few friends to gather around in the evenings.
We decided to head somewhere nearby to have dinner together.
Double Up Chicken: Chargrilled Chicken and Crispy Fried Chicken served with Garden Veg and Mac&Cheese.I hope you guys enjoy this post! Bye!