IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
Definetly do not roll the jeans into a ball and squeeze the water out. If you must lay them flat sandwiched between towels and firmly press the towel to try to soak the water. Rolling them up and all that jazz is going to cause some pretty crazy unwanted creasing
Definetly do not roll the jeans into a ball and squeeze the water out.
i always do that. not a single problem so far…works best for getting as much water out as possible before hanging´em to dry!
???really??? Carry on then I guess…. I just always assumed this would create the same issue as putting them in a dryer as far as creases in strange places...learn something new everyday I suppose
Photo 20-4-13 16 47 09 by alancwr, on Flickrcant remember whats the shirt model…
rw875 -
nope not at all imo.
one towel is on the floor, throw the super wet jeans on it, 2nd towel on top, fold jeans+towel combo (leg on leg) and start rolling and pressing the damn thing!…
takes out most of the water and no unwanted creases afterwards!ah… Yes this is what i do as well i guess i misindertood when he said rolled in a ball I took this as lireally wadding up in a ball shape and squeezing.. Instead rolling them on top of themselves as you have described
I lay them out in hot tap water in tub - use full soda cans to keep then submerged - soak ~30-45 mins - then I put hook-end of a coat hanger through the back-center belt loop of the pants and put the loop-end of the hanger over the shower head. Once hanging, I smooth out all the wrinkles, and let em drip dry over the tub. As I smooth/flatten them out, it pushes a lot of the water out. But I like the "towel and roll" idea to get excess water out.
Love my 666s but must admit the waist is a little large… Nothing a belt can't fix but its definetly a strange feeling to have new pair of denim that is so loose In the waist..