IH-666-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Slim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
Hey Pushranger RocknRoll is right. You will love them. The more you wear them the sooner that will be.
I questioned my sanity the first time I put mine on….I'm talking about being on the floor to button the top 2.... They will stretch -
They are gonna need a lot of wear before they get comfortable. But they will become comfortable!
Congrats for buying great jeans, pushragner! I would highly recommend to give them an initial wash or soak to get rid of the shrinkage. After they have dried, turn them inside out a few times and they will be comfortable from the beginning!
I only managed button the top button to see if they fitted me in the waist and they did. They are gonna need a lot of wear before they get comfortable. But they will become comfortable!
Yeah had the same experience… And yeah: they will become the most comfortable jeans you've ever worn in time... Trust me: I'm been doing 25 oz time since Nov 2011...
Some quick pics of my 8 months worn 25 oz Devils. Had to get them in while the sun was shining. You never know when it's going to disappear here in Michigan. Worn daily for 12 hours. This was my warm up for The Mega Beatle Busters. I think I'm ruined for regular denim from here on out!
During the weekend it was time to clean and tidy up the roof terrace and the area around the block I live in. Wearing my new 666 I volunteered for the jobs that required a lot of bending down and sitting on the knees. We were at it for five hours on Saturday and it was a great way to start breaking in the beast (which is what I’m calling them now). Of course at the end of the day I my skin was red from the hips down to my upper thighs. But no pain, no gain. They have already comformed a bit to my body.
Here is a pic from the session. I had to stop cuffing the beast because there was a lot of dirt and old leaves accumulating in the cuff.
When it came to buttoning the pants I gave up doing it with just my hands, so I jammed in a plastic spike-thingy with no sharp edges and turned it around a couple of times in each hole. That helped somewhat, but they are still not easy to button.
Hajduk: Sure, I’m always up for beer.
Veintiuno: I’m not sure I’m going to soak them. I feel I got a headstart in breaking them in and I’m afraid a soak will ruin that.
Wearoften: Nice!
Didn't soak mine. Shoe horned myself into them and wear them everyday at work in body shop/panel shop. I un-cuff when I weld, don't want to catch splatter in the cuff, the 25oz makes a good welding blanket !
Looking good, wear'em
The Tell-Me-When-Back-In-Stock form for these has been filled out by an awful lot of people.
The good news is that the restock will be complete and going through QC on Sunday…...
Get these… (Flash: yes. CGI: no.)
They look great Eli.
Agreed- that hoodie is excellent and the jeans are getting perfect.
Get these… (Flash: yes. CGI: no.)
They look great Eli.
Get these… (Flash: yes. CGI: no.)
They look great Eli.
Agreed- that hoodie is excellent and the jeans are getting perfect.
Thanks guys.