White's Boots
Great looking boots Foxy!
Thank you very much Bluegrass for making so much work to answering my question! The distressed brown roughout is a very beautiful leather. The instep of my feet is low, so I think it would better fit to me.
The natty cxl version is nice too. "Somebody" should go online and build a custom pair of Nomads!
Those look very similar to the Road Champs to me
They look better than Road Champs, as far as I'm concerned.
Thanks Guys! The customization, that is a good question… At Baker's it is not possible to add a liner or another bootstyle. I'm not looking for an engineer, more in the way like a harness, roper or a farmer boot. All that is possible at WESCO, but they are so much expensive and the range of leathercolors is too small!
Those look very similar to the Road Champs to me
They look better than Road Champs, as far as I'm concerned.
i have to agree…RC´s are dope, but the nomads are brilliant (especially for that price they´re running!).
Yes they are dope as you'd expect for $950 - but hard not to really like custom-built Nomads at $400. After I get my BHs I will think hard about a pair of White's pull-ons.
But the pair of well-worn Champs on the Mr. Freedom site is NICE http://www.misterfreedom.com/?p=1854
I have a pair of Semi-Dress without celastic toes. I don't really like the look, but they are soft and comfortable. I'll try to get a few pictures for you later this afternoon.
Been thinking about Nomads as well, maybe 1-2 builds from now…
Really just concerned about getting the fit perfect. Cause if you mess that up there's no tying laces tighter,etc.
Yeah, your only realistic option is a rebuild, which sucks if you have to do it on a pair fresh out of the box.
thats one of the things that keeping me away from an engineer. I think heel slip is inevitable, but I would want to minimize that . Too many factors go into a perfect fit, and im not certain a simple tracing would result in a perfect fit on the first shot.
WHITE's SmokeJumper R/O: no Celastic toe reinforcement
Ironically, [in my experience] the smoothest & most comfortable way to wear leather is a rough-out version__ single layer [ie, no lining, just sock between skins]. awesome 2nd skin feeling when sized right. .. & your foot literally slides in/out like it's buttered
Unconditioned_ fresh out of the box, no Celastic toe
Dubbed w/Obenauf LP
EastWest, here is a roughout smokejumper with the soft toe posted by BrownIcon. Personally I like it (the soft toe and the roughout). But I prefer the untreated look.
A lot of leather drink coasters…