A moment of silence for all the brave mosquitoes and gnats that tried to smash into my face today.
Me at a track day (2011) just before high siding. Which put me out of action for 7 weeks and I had to postpone my euro trip by 2 weeks and since I still haven't got home it is still is a mess
Thought I would show the line I was meant to be taking.
Not mine… but I'm currently in the market for a bike...
360mm Drop Seat Bobber
The engine is a 127" El Bruto built by Ultima Performance
Dat Ass…. -
Ducati 998s.
My track bike.
That's a serious track bike. Sweet ride!
eh, I thought it looked good…
Bf never let anyone tell you something doesn't look good. The reason custom bikes are so big is because you can make what you want, not someone else!
Bf never let anyone tell you something doesn't look good. The reason custom bikes are so big is because you can make what you want, not someone else!
Sure, and that's why many of them look hideous….Not to put anybody down or to mock. They just do.
I also think that newbies (I don't know if BF is) with bikes sometimes just need to be pointed to some obvious things on bikes before they do purchase. Ofcourse the final decision is solely buyers.
(Ass that fat and narrow front wheel might act funny while riding curvy roads, expect also "custom" handling)Also always when doing custom (whateverbike, car, etc.) and putting it to public viewing, expect praise as well as critisism.
Maybe my over 30 years with bobbers and choppers has narrowed MY wiev...
Seems like an odd placement for the exhaust on that ultima… Looks like it could mess with foot placement but maybe I'm just not seeing it right from the angles of the pic