Mister Freedom
Nice pic snowman! Yeah I had planned to keep the leather sole for about a year to allow a good break in on the boots upper but after about a month of serious wear I just decided "F IT" every day it was bugging me not having it exactly how I wanted it so talked to zip and got the ball rolling. I will say that he approximated his turn around at 1-2 weeks so right now at least there is not nearly the wait i expected….
That being said I have been checking out his HTC Santa Rosa engineers and am thinking that they might be next in line after my lofgrens.... Anyway... I am excited for you to get your RC's bud!
@Finn, thanks mate. In this case I'm happy you're wrong. Very very happy with it.
@tatman, Yeah I understand that. When you know something's not right, it just weighs you down. Good call!
#exciting :). RE my RC's, I was told I could be in the next batch or even the 1 after (so 3-4 months away).
The Santa Rosas are really nice, Tatman. Post pics of your RCs when you get them back. I got a pair of RCs a couple months back, but the shafts felt way too big around my skinny calves. So I sent them to Willie's Shoe Repair in LA to have the shafts narrowed. I should get them back next week. I'll post pic when I get them back.
Nice! Will do.
I might pick it up too… I feel like a good work to use for MF stuff is "special." That jacket looks super sweet though. I've never really seen anything like it!
Oh man, I dig the henleys.
Definitely. That jungle cloth and the corduroy lining look pretty damn amazing….I love the really casual look too
reminds me of something my grandpa might wear hahaha
Just heard from Jordan My second pair of RC should be finished in 3 weeks.
I did email zip directly.
Right on. Sorry I didn't get back to you quicker. Just now saw the post. What are you having done?