Is it? Everyone is talking about it
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Well, Guy said that actually the aging of the "roughout cordovan" is pretty decent and with a singular fading, and it looks very unique. They are soft to the touch and the idea of such unique boots might be appealing for some people. If you dont like them, just dont look at them. Easy.
I fully agree with the "if you don't like it, don't look at it" ethos, which is why I haven't commented on the looks of the boots, but I am more curious about the practical implications of that kind of design… Are there any advantages, because I can think of many potential issues with it. The collagen seeps... inward onto your socks I guess? Then are you able to replace it by conditioning the roughout side of the leather? How does that affect the look, such as it is...? And, again, I'd worry about swampfoot when a surface designed to repel water is facing inward.
It sounds like some of the other statements are fueled by frustration at Viberg burning shell cordovan for this kind of experiment when they can't convince them to take money for shell boots.
Well, Guy said that actually the aging of the "roughout cordovan" is pretty decent and with a singular fading, and it looks very unique. They are soft to the touch and the idea of such unique boots might be appealing for some people. If you dont like them, just dont look at them. Easy.
this is the internet, its never that cut and dry.
That is the boot I was referring to a few weeks ago when joking with Giles. That inside out boot is garbage….
On a different note (sort of), and someone else mentioned this, for being so anti horsehide sure seems like they use a lot of it when it comes to their samples, yet when I tried to get a horsehide engineer boot made They wouldn't even consider it for a second
i feel that sting to brother
were you after the 310 toe? -
If an item is ugly, which in my opinion that boot is with the Horween stamp on the outside, people aren't gonna be shy about it. Not sure what the purpose is but aesthetically it isn't pleasing. Part of Vibergs appeal is that they are pleasing to the eye. That one is not. If you like it, go for it, but for probably close to $1K, I'll pass on the ugly boots
I give them full marks for doing something different. I see it as a form of stating that they are not blindly held by tradition and that there's no sacred cows (or horses as the case my be). They thought about 'what if' and did it. Something that AFAIK no one us have ever even thought of, let alone done. I love it.
I give them full marks for doing something different. I see it as a form of stating that they are not blindly held by tradition and that there's no sacred cows (or horses as the case my be). They thought about 'what if' and did it. Something that AFAIK no one us have ever even thought of, let alone done. I love it.
Thats the whole idea behind, I'm glad that someone get it. I strongly doubt it that those boots go on production, so no need for "sharp analysis".
It's part of how we learn and evolve as a species. Putting things tech focused Google have "20 percent time" where they force their staff to waste time and resources "fucking around". Gmail was one such product that came from that.
There's also something to say about the joy of creation, and moving beyond the utility, which these boots speak to beautifully. It's part of the age old questions; What purpose does art serve? What's the point of philosophy?
I agree with snowmans points despite my displeasure in viewing these. I also agree with the statement that a lot of the contempt for these is probably sourced from, at least for those of us who have tried, being told how much of a pain it is to use such materials and not giving it a second thought when we have placed requested such materials for our custom orders and then not only using these material but flaunting the point by doing something like this that to many feels like a "waste" of material when customers, in particularly me, are told they dont even have the materisl available. Though I'm sure it was not a conscious slap in the face, at least I hope not, it certainly does deliver the same effect.
Have you asked if you could provide the material to them?
That is the boot I was referring to a few weeks ago when joking with Giles. That inside out boot is garbage….
On a different note (sort of), and someone else mentioned this, for being so anti horsehide sure seems like they use a lot of it when it comes to their samples, yet when I tried to get a horsehide engineer boot made They wouldn't even consider it for a second
i feel that sting to brother
were you after the 310 toe?I had sent my idea and was trying to capture a 40s look I thought either the 160 last or 2030(? I think it was 2030) for a narrower toe box, without reinforced to allow the toe box to collapse. I was told they didn't use HH for their builds except two specific customers and didnt have any available anyway.
It's part of how we learn and evolve as a species. Putting things tech focused Google have "20 percent time" where they force their staff to waste time and resources "fucking around". Gmail was one such product that came from that.
That's not really what 20 percent time is. Google vets and approves the projects that people work on, and they retain ownership of the projects. It's not like Google engineers can just say, for example, "I want to make a video game for Xbox"; they just get a day to work on something that isn't in their job description. It can be as mundane as fixing something that's broken or making some iterative improvement to an existing product.
Unlike many of the 20% time projects, I don't think this project advances Viberg's interests in the slightest, but that's just my opinion.
Have you asked if you could provide the material to them?
I have not, around that time I began discussions with John lofgren for one of his baladassi builds. Clearly they had no interest, and I won't beg anyone to take my money.
What size did you pick up?