Unpopular opinions
Here's mine:
Khaki pants are the worst. They're for teenagers who don't want to wear a suit to a wedding.
See now that is good, thats what we're about in here, another from me.
The Bale/ Nolan Batman movies, the first two are utter shit and clearly written by someone with only the most superfluous understanding of the characters involved.
And portlandia isn't funny.
Here's one of mine: I don't like toe caps on boots. Can't explain it, just don't like em.
They remind of something a dad would wear to a Dave Mathews Band concert…
Good topic, and I'm with you on the washing thing, at the end of the day they're just (exceptionally well made) jeans, and all my other clothes seem to survive repeated washes with no ill effects.
Always wanted to wear Converse CTA's like all the cool kids, but found the flat insole and complete lack of support didn't work for me.
My own gripes,
- Wearing jeans way below your waistline such that your under crackers are on display, don't understand that one at all!
- Ties! What's the point, and why do people still wear them for work? Fortunately I work for a company that doesn't require you to wear a strangulation device around your neck
Careful there fella, your straddling the line between unpopular opinion and Random Rants. This is just for the stuff you want to say every day, but society (of some description) tells you no, such as…..
People who watch reality TV and/ or soap operas are idiots. <------me straddling the line.
Can dubstep please dubstep the fuck away from me? It sounds like the soundtrack to attention deficit disorder.
Also rock journalism "best" lists. Sorry Spin/Rolling Stone, but you don't know your elbows from your assholes.
(Spin just listed Skrillex on a Best guitarists list and after recovering from a mild stroke I left these here).
EDIT: sorry, this was a rant in hindsight. Mods, feel free to delete or move.
LOL is not a word, it is an advertisement of idiocy.
I'm with you on ties. Worthless worthless worthless
The taste, smell and look of cream cheese is sickening. Can't stand the stuff. Great way to ruin a bagel or cupcake.
I'm starting to feel the same Sean.
Add U2 and the Eagles to the list of overrated bands.
Get ready for the BOOM!!
Most American sports are either softened versions of English sports, or dressed up versions of girls sports ???
Rugby –------> NFL
Netball ---------> Basketball
Rounders -------> Baseball
I am proud of the British for finally winning their own tournament this year though. It must be embarrassing perennially getting your ass handed to you by a colony or mainland rivals.
P. S. soccer sucks!