Unpopular opinions
Ah-Ha are the perfect pop band.
I think that their Bond theme, "The Living Daylights" is one of the best ever.
Star Trek over Star Wars, and BSG over both of them.
Star Wars is the original trilogy only. Everything after that is shit. Star Trek is hit (Next Gen, many of the movies) and miss (Enterprise, Voyager, DS9, original series). BSG is extraordinary.
I hate moc toes on boots. Put that with a wedge sole and you have the ugliest boot on earth.
The living daylights was Duran Duran. Simple minds gets my vote for best pop band though pop is far from my favorite genre
I'll take the bait on the Clapton topic (and yeah, I know this isn't a music thread, but fuck it).
If Clapton had died after Cream, I'm pretty sure he would have remained forever in "legend" status. His stuff with John Mayal, Yardbirds and Cream was real pioneering stuff; along with Townshend and Beck he really pioneered the fat humbucker-through-Marshall sound. (Then Hendrix came and took it to a whole new level).
Problem is that EC undid a lot of his reputation by spewing out reams and reams of crap music from about 1970 onwards.
I dunno whether he's over rated or not, but without his influence the next generation of rock and metal would have been quite different.
By the way, I reckon Brian May's hair is cool. Go the Poodle Head!!
i think new balance shoes are fugly for the most part
I could see why. The toebox is not turned up and clown-shoey enough for you like those Viberg 310 lasts you love.
i think new balance shoes are fugly for the most part
I could see why. The toebox is not turned up and clown-shoey enough for you like those Viberg 310 lasts you love.
hahaha dick
Speaking of, I absolutely loathe the turned up toe on Vibergs
The reason why I didn't say that in this thread is because I doubt it's an unpopular opinion hahaha.
I love the sport of cycling. I love the Tour de France. I've been racing bicycles in some form (BMX, Road, Mountain, and Track) since I was eight years old and I'm forty-five now. The sport's shady past has me thinking about what might be an unpopular opinion on this board. I have a hard time believing Froome's dominance is not enhanced by PEDs.
There, I said it!
Growing up, I swam for my neighborhood pool's swim team and ran on the track team in Jr and Sr High. I love swimming and running and followed the sports at the top level for years. Over that time, I've come to three conclusions, all of which are sad and a bit cynical. 1) Doping is common and usually better than the testing to catch it. 2) The sports with the best, most extensive, testing programs are paradoxically the ones with the worst reputations for drug use. 3) If people want to jeopardize their long term health for short term competitive advantage, I say let them; just stop the losing battle and allow PEDs.
I also think we should pay collegiate athletes and allow them to get degrees in things like "football" and "basketball".
I struggle with that because of the ripple effect. It's one thing if adults are making that decision, it's another if teens are. Doping happens at the Jr High level in America already, and I worry that letting it go would worsen this situation. I say this as a person who doesn't believe any mood altering substance should be illegal for adults to buy and use, by the way… a staunch civil libertarian as far as personal liberties, including the right to make mistakes, goes.
Otherwise, it would be a slam dunk for me to just stop testing.
It's thought that genetically enhanced athletes have already competed at the Olympic level. Not sure how they expect to test for that form of unnatural enhancement.
I think PEDs should be mandatory.
I want my sports exciting… "I want my sports like video games" slam dunks from half court and 1500 ft. Home runs. They make huge paycheck and generally are miserable after their body gives out and they have to turn to sports costing anyways might as well give us a great show while they can.
While we are talking about sports I want to say I'm sick and tired of there being more and more safety precautions out in Anerican sports. Pussifying everything. Lame sauce
Not sure how unpopular this will be, or how much agreement i will receive.
I hate it how some individuals buy Harley-Davidson gear, leather jackets, pants, and all manner of 'touristy' motorcycle paraphernalia to attempt to look tough. Then when asked what motorcycle they possess, or which is their favourite Harley of old, the reply with 'Duhh some of the ones in 'Wild Hogs' were pretty slick.'