IH-666S - The Devil's Fit Indigo - Slim Tapered
My experience is they shrink up to 1/4-1/2" max, and don't stretch back much - so be cautious when you make your selection… Measure some jeans you like "the IH way" - and measure around your thigh too just to be sure. If you try to cut it too close you might be disappointed. Or if you have muscular/big thighs this may not be the best cut for you.
Spent an hour and a half at DC4 today and ended up getting a pair. I really, really like the fit which is surprisingly not as slim as I had thought (a good thing in this case). Went with my 634s size (36" waist) Gonna give them a soak when I get back home and hope that they'll work out perfect. Everything else will be no problem, but I'm a bit worried about the thighs - anyhow I'm quite sure they'll end up just fine (if they stretch back to a tad under or presoak width they'll be perfect). Had no problems whatsoever with the 634s:s but I guess these will give me that proper IH break-in period
I was initially going to get another pair of the 634s from Hachioji but now I can have the best of both worlds I guess
If these need a hemming I'll get it done at IHHQ
Crotch seam starting to get loose should i get this repaired now or not to worry till it gets a lot worse? -
Haha, used my mom's washing machine and did a 40-degree wash without a spinning cycle to get the most of the shrink out. Blue hands and a huge smile - these will turn out great! I'll get them hemmed at DC4 before we go back home
I got about an inch off in the waist and two in length, the thighs are a-ok.
Fix it now, Chewie. I'm a big proponent of preventive maintenance. You can do it yourself with a needle and thread, shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes.
I'm with Chris on doing it now… Taking a few minutes with needle and thread is an easy DIY fix where as if that goes unattended too long you will likely have to take it in for professional repair unless you are handier than me
Thanks guys, just fixed it just now. was easier than i thought. Except getting the needle thru the center (was super thick)
Probably also saved me from an embarrassing moment since the seam looked like it could blow out at any moment.
need your advice mate, just give this devil a stack or hem it? thanks!
Like I worte on Sufu : hem them. Way too much fabric…
I never understand why people ask if they should hem or not! Surely you can see you need too.
because i need some advice, i feel confused to hem it or just let give this jeans stack
Max Power
thanks, how much inch do you think? 2" maybe?
thank you arabit, i consider to give this jeans stack -
I think 2" is a good bet, I might do more, but it's hard to tell based on the pictures.
You can fold them on the inside to simulate the length. And add ~0,75" for combs and futre shrinkage.
Richie, i think your stacks look fine. but i guess if you want a cleaner look, hem them.
curious….if cuffed, are you at a triple cuff? -
I think its completely up to you… Once your stacks settle I think it'll look fine but a hem could look great too... Just completely up to what appeals to you man.