What's your favorite Beer?
A shame about Bell being a dick. Fortunately, I have plenty of other ways I can go. I used to drink Two Hearted a lot but there are so many other beers out there that it's no longer a staple on those increasingly rare occasions where I drink beer (trying to eliminate a beer belly I came by honestly
We get Founder's and New Holland here, and I love them. I'd have to check on those others. I'll have to try Short's as well.
Ever since a visit to Russian River in Cali I've added super sour beers to my repertoire. I guess I'm a man of extremes, super bitter, or super sour if I'm going to burn calories on beer
In for a penny, in for a pound on those I suppose…
Temperatures have plummeted (thank fuck)… Now debating what I should have tonight:
- Rochefort 10 (11.3%) http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/rochefort-trappistes-10/2360/
- Malheur 12 (12%) http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/malheur-12/11337/
- Black Albert (13%) http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/struise-black-albert/77305/
Not my favorite. But reminds me of home and used to ride past the brewery every day for work.
New seasonal for me
Fat Jack was great, lots of ginger and pumpkin, but not that overthetop clove and spice that a lot of other pumpkin brews have. I will be buying at least another for Halloween. Is that kind of head normal for Rochefort or was the glass dirty/fast pour etc? Either way it looks awesome, definitely on my must drink list along with more Chimay…
Rochefort kicks ass, it was the beer that convinced me that maybe Seul does know what he's talking about (sometimes)
Is that kind of head normal for Rochefort or was the glass dirty/fast pour etc?
I used clean glass/slow pour. The shape of the glass is important. Rochefort is not designed to be poured into a tulip. Seul's proper Rochefort glass has a much wider mouth. I ate the foam. Zero fucks given…