John Lofgren (Speedway)
I may be calling muskhaven if these are too small. Those are super dope.
Nvm…. Tracked it down and I actually really like these
Going back to this pic - do you think the owner oiled, polished or treated them in some way to get them to darken/change that much? i can hardly believe what I'm seeing is just from wearing them - I wonder how much wear? Whatever it is, the result is fantastic.
Sorry to bring up an old post. I'm catching up on this thread and just wanted to clarify that these boots, mr. Fujita's personal pair, have not been treated in anyway. Indeed he strongly strongly recommends against applying anything to the Badalassi, after being scolded by Mr. Badalassi for applying stuff to his leather! Plus, this aging pic is after only a month of wear.
tatmantall, congrats on your new Lofgrens.
I purchased the only pair of size 12s of the first run of Badalassi cognac back in Jan '13.
Sizing. I'm a TTS US12D. And wear 11.5D in Alden Trubalance and Barrie lasts. My feet are a bit on the narrow side. The JL size 12s fit me well, with a superfeet half insole and thick socks. I'm going to have Show Goto at Whitekloud put a custom insole in. If I were going for the JL in CXL I would definitely go for 11.5D, expecting a little stretch. In the Badalassi, 11.5D might be tight. Not sure.
Here's some pics of the boots from May. (I haven't worn them at all the last few months since it is an inferno in the summer here).
Thought you guys might be interested in these as well. Custom work by Sadahiro Arikawa of Hohzo.
not seeing the second set of pictures chiba. Thanks for the info about the badalassi though! And cant wait to see the Cognacs…. those are next on my list (although everytime isee the blue Baladassi its growing on me more and more!)
i actually sent an inquiry to John about having a pair made thinking that those must have been done by whoever is building these but he informed me that they were indeed done by Arikawa.... those conchos are bang on beautiful! -
I second the Wow! Those blue boots are gorgeous. Thx to Chiba for clarifying, and thanks for your thoughts on sizing.
and Tat, thx for the measurements, that helps a lot.
I would say both leather and midsole. The midsole is a double midsole but each layer is approximately 3/4 as thick as the leather used on my wescos and the horween leather just feels entirely lighter than wescos black fire. I've actually never had a leather on a boot as heavy duty as the black fire on my wescos, those boots have to be held in person to even understand just how heavy they are for those not familiar with Wesco.
I don't feel the lofgrens are too light though, and hope that's not how it came across. They have a more traditional weight to them and are comparable to old chips or knapps from yesteryear as was intended I'm sure.
It's surprising too cos the leather is plenty thick. comparing gussets to the MF (which uses a thinner leather for the gusset than the rest of the upper):
^It came across as you intended it to. I was/am just curious by nature about why you felt the weight difference 50% is a pretty big weight difference. Appreciate the answer
Ill throw them on the scale this evening and see if that was close or an exaggeration
but again, wescos are HEAVY, too me they borderline too heavy but…. I like em and I know I can beat the snot out of them and they will still love me.
- will post some comparison pics as well to give you an idea
Looks like you got em MCL, congrats! How is the fit my man?
Lofgrens are here.
Didn't pay this:
Love these:
They are true to US size with a little room for heavy socks. The perfect fit for me.
Heel to toe of the outsole on this 9.5 is a foot on the nose. Horizontal width at the ball of the foot on the outsole is exactly 4.25"
Happy happy boy boy
Great to hear they worked out man! They look terrific, might have to get me a pair!
Haha right? They are super comfy out of the box too. A suitable rival for nerkg's old Road Champs.
Just saw the "didnt pay this", how did that work out? Are they just going to bill you?
My hope is that government incompetency worked out in my favor. I was at the PO before it opened and retrieved it from the parcel room directly, I don't think it occurred to them to charge duty.
I just LOVE the storm welt… It looks cool and when you study it it looks like they folded the welt bead themselves, I don't think they used an off the shelf welt, though I could be wrong.