Care For Your (Denim/ Wool/ Cotton)
I had an accident with my new Beatle Busters this weekend. I managed to spill at lot of hand lotion on them. First I tried to wipe it off with a cloth, but the cloth turned blue so I was afraid I would wipe off a lot of the indigo as well. Off course I did not have time to post a question here on the forum about what I should do and the wait for replies. So I decided to take them in the shower and spray off the lotion, after that I gave them a 30 minutes soak in lukewarm water. Now they seem alright and smell faintly of oranges (the lotion was orange flavored).
I don't know if this was the right thing to do, or if I get some weird fading down the road. But there is nothing to do but wait and see. Originally I hadn't planned on soaking the jeans either, but there you go. Has anybody else here had similar experiences?
Has anybody else here had similar experiences?
Yes, and that's when we turn our jeans inside out and toss them into a washing machine
Hand lotion? Were you jerking off? ???
Personally I'd leave them as they are now. You've given them a soak, washed the lotion out. See how they develop. It's all about the fadez/wear* (*for some), this is now part of their story, it might fade slightly differently, and you'll be able to talk about that time you weren't jerking off…...Jeans handle a lot of abuse, it's in their DNA.
Guys, you got it all wrong. Here’s the real story: I had been tracking the Joker for days after his brutal break in at the Gotham body lotion factory. When I finally caught up with the laughing loony I discovered that his nefarious plan was to drown all the kids living in Wayne Orphanage with his misgotten gains from said break in. “Holy moly,” said my trusted sidekick Robin, “you have to stop this vicious villain from committing this cowardly crime!” And so I did. A bit of KA-POW, BAM and POW left the livid lunatic longing for a swift return to Arkaham Asylum.
It was then I discovered that some lotion had spilled on my Batjeans during my triumphant tangle with the manic murderer. I then rushed to heroically the Batcave to soak them in my Batbucket.
But seriously, I am clumsy and had very dry hands. Anyways, the pants seem fine.
Question: Will it always ruin your leather tag if you put the jeans in the dryer? Ihxb01 in my case.
depends how hot your dryer is, hotter = more leather "aging" for lack of a better term
depends how hot your dryer is, hotter = more leather "aging" for lack of a better term
Thanks Zhivago I have seen patches turn black and hard before so I wanted to avoid that.
I have sort of a "dumb" question for the experts out there: when it comes to initially soaking unsanforized denim to get the shrink out, would there be a difference in laying the jeans out in a bath tub as opposed to soaking them crumpled up in a sink?
I ask because I'm planning on ordering a new pair of 666s when they're back in stock, but in my current living situation I don't have a bath tub. Can I get the job done either in my kitchen sink or by filling a bucket with hot water? I realize that hot water is hot water, I just wonder if I should worry about uneven shrinking?
Tips welcome please and thank you!
I assume that is a joke yes? (Forgive me, sometimes I can't always tell on the intarwebz)
Can anyone comment on washing multiple pairs of jeans at once (say, just two pairs)? I prefer to make better use of water and washing one pair at a time is a waste. I can't see how this could be a bad thing if the jeans are inside out. Does anyone here wash multiple pairs at once? I ask because I always read that jeans should be washed individually.
Ah, I forgot to point out that I meant in the washing machine. Same difference?