Oak Street Bootmakers
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
loafers gonna loaf.
looking good D666
Kudos to Tony & Oak Street Bootmakers for excellent customer service. Thanks guys!!!
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
What'd they do for you?
Brand Spanking new peanut suede trail oxfords.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Būm! Gotta get me some osb
glad to hear it sort of worked out D666. Hope the torn pair were just a fluke . . .
yeah, there is always hope…
yeah, there is always hope…
Stop raining on my parade heheh
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Is durability an issue with osb? Second blowout I've seen. My old Minnetonkas never fell apart on me and I heaped abuse on them for years.
Not that I know of. I am super hard on shoes/boots. I have wide feet and a high instep, so I place a lot of strain on boat shoes where this happened, and all the boat shoes I have owned go in exactly the same spot, short of commissioning a pair of bespoke Russells, it is something I have to live with. I have just ordered 2 more pairs of boats from OSB, I would not be doing that if I thought they were sub-par.
OK thanks for the explanation. They and Yuketen are on the radar and that would affect my decision.
And I know they made D666's blowout right by giving him a new pair.
They were awesome. Big fan of OSB
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
My boat insoles slide forward, almost an inch on the left and maybe 1/4" on the right. I sent them back to OSB and replaced the insoles. Excellent customer service.
Yeah, the right wasn't really a problem but on the left the stitching on the insole was digging in to my heel.
Just got my trail oxfords back from reconditioning it took less than 2 weeks. I had crepe soles put on them.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"