John Lofgren (Speedway)
Saw the original pair of blue Badalassi boots at Mushmans yesterday. Crazy color change. They now have a strong greenish hue.
You know what they say, Chiba … pictures or didn't happen
That's really interesting news. Ironically, I pinged Mr. Lofgren just the other day about a pair in my size. Still sold out
Alright, I'll get back over there and take some pics, next chance I get. And quit bugging John about engineer boots, I want him to make me some Pecos!
In answering the question about weight…
On my home scales my 11.5 lofgrens weigh in at what looks to be exactly 3 lbs.
My size 12 wesco narrow Morrison toe weighs in at approximately 5.5 lbs.In conclusion... My approximation of them weighing twice as much is not far off the mark.
thanks mate. That's so awesome.
That was indeed per pair.
^^ Nice write-up on that shirt at Bandanna Almanac.
FWIW…. The same outrageously priced ebay seller MCL posted in the items for sale thread who has been selling RMC has a full size run of black and brown lofgren engineers.... Not really sure how though??? As John has told me not long ago and his site also indicates sizes are running out across the board.
The sellers only asking a reasonable price of just under$1600
Have at it gentleman!!! -
Total asshole. Wtf.
im wondering the legitimacy of this sellers auctions. I cant wrap my head around how he has full size runs of all this stuff from these to the bucos etc. really strange but his feedback suggests he is sincere, despite his out of this world pricing.
It looks like he's selling exactly what Speedway shop still has in stock, so you're basically only paying a 40-50% proxy fee to this guy, who wouldn't jump at a chance like that …
The thing that irritates me is his items pollute my eBay searches.
Practically new pair of Lofgrens for sake on the bay, size 7: -
A deck VEST. Melton lined. Interesting.
better late than never right?
you can always tell they are my boots because the heels get scarred up real bad (didn't bother with taking a pic of that), real quick…. my rolling chair at the tattoo studio always bangs up the back of any foot wear no matter how conscious I am about it... but hey WABI SABI! -
Dude. The toe collapse is epic, the grain on the stovepipes is stoopid!
I'll try to catch up once the snow hits the ground and takes my RCs out of rotation. But those are already fantastic.
Man, hate on CXL all you want, I am staggered by how well Lofgren engineers break in. The leather (this is in case Mega sees this) is BUTTERY soft and supple.