Popped down the road to take a look at this 2,000 year old Roman Bridge, until just a few years ago, it still carried road traffic..
When we got there, there was an English man in major pain, his wife was being pretty useless, so with the help of some french people, Paula organised the ambulance to come out and pick him up. We (well they) think it was appendicitis, he'd had a sleepless night because of the pain, but we did reckon him having a croissant for breakfast was not the brightest move given the circs….
After our good deed for the day we hit Roussilion, famous for it's Ochre….
And of course, I had to snap it's view of Mont Ventoux…
And general all round prettiness…
I cropped this, but apart from that, zero editing…
Then it was a quick detour to this amazing abbey - built about 1,000 years ago, and still functioning as an abbey..
Then we had a beer (no vis) and I spotted these in a green grocers, why oh why can't be get such lovely variety in UK…
^i wanna see more. Where are the photos with the Z clan
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Some Kurodaworks would also be welcome
^^They are in my mind. I rolled in han solo and stayed that way most all of the weekend. Didn't see the Z's until last night, but that's all I needed to confirm that they are badasses. Only took the camera out once, these are the pictures i snapped. Clearly I was a bit "buried alive" and did not care much about photo-ops. Next time ;)….
I tend to do the same thing under certain circumstances. I don't need a paper trail necessarily. I've mastered the art of removing said paper trail from my mind as well. You just drink a ridiculous amount
This thread has been pretty incredible the past little bit. Wow.
Yesterday actually…
We went to Arles. Absolutely mind blowing Roman architecture...
The coliseum, possibly more complete than the one in Rome....
Paula showing off her "Roman Sandals"…
The Coliseum from the theatre…
Next we went to what were the ground floor shops and foundations to the Forum above. There is virtually nothing left of the Forum proper, and these are now 18feet below current day ground level…
Odd bits of columns just lying around…
When Julius Caesar specced the columns, I suspect this was not what he had in mind….
Sick, keep'em coming
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"