Other Brands of Jeans
stewart, I saw these in person at the Inspiration LA Event. They are nothing short of incredible. The amount of attention to detail was insane. You gotta love the double patch, double coin pocket, diff arc coloring, etc.. Nice pic up now put them on and let's see how they fit!
The right hand twill and left hand twill combo is going to bring about a really cool looking pair of jeans afetr you put them through the ringer!
Does anyone know of a company that makes good/high quality cargo pants? Maybe a little slimmer fitting than usual…
Good pics stewart. That is a really awesome detail.
Anybody know anything about stronghold kahkis??
I have a pair of the 5 Pocket Chinos (W32). The front rise i a bit small for me which sometimes causes an unsightly bulge. I would say that they are a straight slim fit. You can see a fit flick of them here: http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=55.msg1011#msg1011
Oakland tee from www.pure510.com
IH Super Tan Belt from SESF
Sugar Cane Okinawa jeans from SuFuThose Sugar Cane Okinawa's please describe how they feel, how they fit, how they age, everything. I'm very interested in them and it would be nice to have the opinion from a human being, and not a merchant!