Photograph and Camera talk
Snowy, that's one of my brother's shots. I can't take credit.
Given the interest in both photography and mechanical watches on this forum, I thought that I'd draw attention to Kwanghun Hyun's clockwork pinhole cameras. They use a re-purposed Unitas movement to drive the shutter.
The photos produced live up to the hoary cliche of being dreamy.
More at:
Nice work Lucifer, especially like the soft light on the lamp.
"Obstacles are stepping-stones that guide us to our goals"
MP that's a new high, even for you :).
I think it's focused close to the camera, not past you, as if it was infinity, something would be in focus. As such, it's focused on something before you got in front - correct. My SLR's focus at the moment the self-timer's engaged. What camera do you use? I'd like to nut out the problem
^ At the moment, Canon Powershot G12
Answered; it focuses when the self timer button is depressed, not when it takes the photo; problem I had with my SLR's which is why an IR remote comes in handy.
is a $20 solution is a thread with more options on the fix.
Thanks for the reply
who know what will happen in the future…
these are here cause i had no where else to put them & wanted to share with you f^ckers:
got to love fall right.
oh & a few weird things i saw the other day . . .
see on the bottom, wait here's a better one
it's freakin fritz the cat walking around with deer, sh!t crazy
pumpkin arrangement:
that's all folks
For Rafa:
After debating with myself for a year, I bought me a new camera. I wanted a small camera with a high image quality. In the end I had to decide between the Fuji X100s and the Ricoh GR. A retailer had both cameras, so I could compare them side by side.
I went with the Ricoh. It´s a fixed lens, APSC size sensor, compact camera. I think it´s the smallest APSC camera on the market. It fit in a IH westernshirt pocket. For this size, the image quality is amazing. Full review on dpreview: .
Here some pics: