IH-666S-19L - 19oz Left Hand Twill Selvedge Denim Slim Cut (The Devil's Fit)
Wow better than I thought! How tall is the model?
Wow better than I thought! How tall is the model?
About 6' 2"
So potentially going TTS with these could work out if one was willing to deal with the initial pain? Plenty of room to stretch?
I'll find out tomorrow…
Manchester, GB
16/10/2013 06:12
Out for DeliverySo near, and yet so far…
Looks like MP will have the first fit pics up….
Not that they'll be in focus
I wasn't implying anything of the kind
First a note to the Mods:
Every post after this one that I use the word 'dark' to reference the shade of indigo please please delete…
Because Giles, you weren't kidding when you said they were dark :). I thought nothing could be darker than the 25oz denim... well this is
As for going TTS... These are a 30w and if I wasn't already so in love with them that I've already taken the tags off, well I probably would have gone with the 31w :).
The buttons fasten, well 4 out of 3 at the moment (I'd forgotten just how much fun new denim could be).
And as for the fit, I like it. They aren't skin-tight which they shouldn't be, but they aren't flapping round my ankles.
And the pics:
please don't pull your pants up that high again…you aren't that old yet
No, that's to show the fit… I have long legs but a short torso... I carry on regardless
please don't pull your pants up that high again…you aren't that old yet
"camel toe" in the front, but what do you call it for the seat area?
don't sweat MO, all in good fun buddy!
fit is ok imo…your pony is another story thoughhahaha, I kid I kid!
"Haters gonna… Not hate as such and raise valid criticism" doesn't have the same ring to it.
I know what you're saying Rafa, I know this is the Devil's Fit I wondered earlier (and scarred a work colleague for life) just where this Devil was trying to fit :P.
I remain convinced that after the denim has stretched (or taken off enough of my pelvis, whoever gives out first) that this will look better on me. In the same way that my SBGs had to (and did) stretch.
I know
nice to see the 666-cut comes in a new LHT-fabric (which looks really sweet). probably my next pair…
"camel toe" in the front, but what do you call it for the seat area?
At least he's got that problem because the denim is new and still rigid. My Studio D'Artisans do that and I've been wearing them for months.