Random questions to which you seek an answer
interesting… Not that I need another belt, but then that never stopped me.
Please excuse my ignorance but I'm completely new to this, I'm thinking of Waxing my Olive IH deck jacket for the rainy winter days (with otter wax) I was wondering if I'm better off using Barbour Wax instead? Also if I apply the wax and heat it through in the oven is it going to melt right through the other side of the jacket and leave me with a horrible waxy lining to my jacket? Any help would be great here!
I hear it's best for the fabric to be warm as well as the stuff being applied. So heat a portion of the fabric, keep the wax hot, apply to warm/hot fabric, etc
I know I'll most likely get a biased answer to this but just wanted to hear your thoughts.
Which one?
Spiewak waxed Olive sheep lined N1- made in USA
(I've seen it in person and it's extremely heavy and very high quality)
Iron Heart Olive N1 Jacket
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/jackets/ihm-03.html -
the IH one and not because I'm biased, what I'm… but since I prefer the look of the IH one, the shape of the arms, the details on the IH one, over the Spiewak and the fact; that the Spiewak one looks fugly in the pics, what prob have a lot to do with the over the moon ugly Levi's the dude in the pic is wearing...
well I actually like the collar and the actual fabric of the spiewak a lot more tbh., though the placement and form of the side pockets of the IH one, as well as the inner lining is "better" than on the spiewak…still need to see pics of the inner lining of the spiewak though!
no big help I know -.-
think the cut of the IH N1 is nicer, but if you looking to spend less that 25% off that spiewak would be the game changer.
think the cut of the IH N1 is nicer, but if you looking to spend less that 25% off that spiewak would be the game changer.
My buddy gets me 50% off.
Also, I think the arms on the IH N1 might be too monstrous for me.
sounds like your mind is made up. you tried on D666s IH N1?
Hard to say no to 50% off an already well priced item, sh!t that's less than a brand new flannel from many brands. . .
sounds like your mind is made up. you tried on D666s IH N1?
Hard to say no to 50% off an already well priced item, sh!t that's less than a brand new flannel from many brands. . .
I tried on Megas/d666 N1. It fits well minus the arms. I measured them and they were 29in, the newer N1's arms are almost an inch longer.
if the cut of the IH does not work for you, forget it
looked for a better pic of the Spiewak
still think that the arm opening is too wide, but if the cut works for you and with the deal…
otherwise, Buzz / Real McCoys, etc...
way better fit flick rock(it), the image earlier didn't do the item justice at all.
well I actually like the collar and the actual fabric of the spiewak a lot more tbh., though the placement and form of the side pockets of the IH one, as well as the inner lining is "better" than on the spiewak…
Spiewak is lined in sheep, isn't the old IH deck lined in acrylic or an acrylic blend fleece?
Pike bros have just released a new black N1 which looks pretty tasty.
http://pikebrothers.com/product/1944-n1-deck-jacket-faded-black/ -
Japan Post EMS tracking is saying that an item cleared US Customs in Chicago (departure from inward office of exchange) on the 14th and there have been no updates since. Should I worry yet or contact the vendor?
I'd give it a few same thing hsppened with my Lofgrens. Chicago is a black hole where crazy things happen. I'm sure they will get to you soon… Or not . :-\