Iron Heart IH-634S - World Tour 2010 - 2013
If it goes well and we have enough interest, I'm happy to do a TW world tour with the TWHRII:
(TTS W32) but anything W31 - W34
Oh man I have been waiting for this!!! Great idea Beats. So I would be down to do W31-W34 but would really prefer a W32 or W33. I guess it is only a month and I grew up wearing W34 - W36 so it really is not big deal. That is what (IH) Belts are for! Oh and IH-634S is definitely the jean to do. And a TW World Tour would be pretty cool as well! Maybe they could go at the same time to the same people in the reversed order as the IH-634S's? Or maybe there could be a TW Tour with The Natural, Permanent, and Future of the same model and do a 3 month cycle where each person wears a different pair of TW's for 3 months straight… Just thinking
Sounds like fun, even if I've repeatedly failed to get pics posted…
:-\ Getting a new camera soon, though. Maybe that'll change things. I'm definitley a staunch advocate of the world tour concept after following the Dirty Dozen progress on SUFU.
32 but can do 33 and possibly 31 but it will be a tight squeeze im deff in
So I have a question for you. Just saw your post on the IH Sufu thread. I thought this was going to be a IH Forum thing? If someone from Sufu who is not a member of the forum, I think it wise to have them sign up and all updates should be HERE!
Right. Also, we should try to keep in mind half way through the year that the pair should be in either SF, NY, LA, UK, or JP so that they can be properly darned etc… Just a thought.
Oh and can we not hem them?!?! If you need them short you just have to rock MEGA CUFFS!
Sounds great.