Show us your boots
Congratulations brother, very happy for you. Wear them well and in health!
Heh, that's understandable–but you've gotten IMO a grail boot. Christophe doesn't screw around, those things are beauties and they will evolve magnificently.
toe tracks look more pronounced than on prior runs, at least from what i have seen. Not that they will be noticeable for long.
I really dislike the thin plastic (or whatever it is) used as a support in the toe box… would have preferred it not present at all. Even though mine are getting fairly broke in it bends down and pushes on the top of my toes when walking and annoys the crap out of me. Wonder what the reason for this was if the plan was to have them collapse asap anyway.... Im not a boot builder though so I won't judge still a good pair of boots
anyone ever heard of wearing your boots in a hot shower? I know this works for leather jackets but would really like the upper toe box to go ahead and mold to my toes a little better. Iver read it over on Fedora before and was just curious if anyoe has experience with this
Haha Seul … Your crazy dude.
My road champs to get the to box to open up from the top pressure on top of toes joint area when they bend like I mentioned above.
Get some engineers, Madmofo!
i'm so confused by "engineer" boots what actually makes an engineer verses a short-shift verses a pull-on? are they just different names used by different makers?
maybe this should be in the question thread, but it seems the forum "trend" has turned towards these kinds of boots & it seems like the folks with the most knowledge on them hang out over here.
thanks in advance for any guidance
okay, so a redwing pecos would be a pull on & by your understanding a short shift from viberg could be considered an engineer sort of boot?
will plug images when i get a chance & sorry for mucking up the thread, just like to understand what the heck i'm looking at or talking about.
thanks G$, you aren't as useless as Geo lead me to believe
Hmmm… that's weird. It's pretty visible on those pics, I don't notice any kind of substance in the toe box of mine from the second run, just feels like leather. Not sure if a hot shower would help with that. Have you thought of calling MF? They are pretty helpful.
I have not. It a very very thin stiffener or something and already breaking down from moisture. It will give shortly either way if just rather speed it up and I would wear them more often. I'm not real sure what it is though when I stick my hand inside it feels like leather so I'm not sure if it's between two pieces or perhaps just a tougher piece on the inside… But it kills the top of my toes up until yesterday everytime I have wore these all day. Not sure if it's noticeable in the pics but it's bèginning to crease across this "stiffener" or wtfe it is and allowing more give in the major crease over my big toe... Before that give started felt like a guillotine for toes.
Actuslly took some towels soaked in hot water and laid them on toe area of the boots this morning so it didn't get into the stitching of the sole but just saturated the upper and they are feeling quite a bit better gonnavtry to give them a solid week doing this or at least until they give a bit more and see how it goes it's nice my toes can breath finally though… Felt a bit claustrophobic which sucks cause they are great boots.
I think another issue is I bought then after they had been worn a hsndful of times by someone else and they were shaped more to his foot do had to correct that as well..