Random Rants
Or how you kept your wallet in your boxers and your dick left its mark…
would have tore through the entire wallet if that was the case.
purdy optimistic, ay
hahaha it's called self-confident.
I was meant to be going on an all day drinking and food session with a large group of my closest friends today for one of their birthdays. Unfortunately Pam fell over last night, not even drunk, and is currently at A&E with her dad, so it looks like a weekend in for me as I can't really leave her to look after Tommy in that state
Selfish rant over
The height of the curb added at least an extra 4" to be fair.
Thanks Snow Man
Sounds like the way of nature saved you from destroying your liver. But I wouldn't say its a selfish rant, good on you for being more selfless to tend to your duty Megadude
Good on you and best to your family Megaman
Thanks Scott and Mac, I will now convince my wife to see it that way
Which one of you guys listed all the affliction shirts with "iron heart" in the description on eBay .. This is so wrong, these to companies could not be further away from each other in thought. Very tempted to report the auctions on principle.
Surprised an Affliction owner would even know from Iron Heart.
Thought about buying an affliction shirt, ed hardy jeans, and a Von Dutch trucker for Halloween. Was gonna go as a douche bag. Didn't think anyone in Lawton Oklahoma would get it, though.
I just lol'd. Teehee!
seriously though… I know what you mean, if I did that here in bfe Missouri I would just "fit in"
Awesome, JSJ
Tats, I list stuff on eBay all the time. Usually if you use another name to sell your product you get suspending for 3 days from selling. I know this as I tried selling a Couple of tattoo machines from other builders using Aaron Cain's name or Seth Ciferri. Just because their shit is good and it sells.
I think reporting them is the right thing to do. In hindsight using Aaron's name to sell something inferior was wrong and an insult to him. Especially as he is an awesome guy and had provided myself with some great lessons and also equipment over the years..
G should report it. That way it's sound in motive. If you have the time that is G.