What's your favorite Beer?
Every good beer has its cheese here… So I reckon I'm ok for cheese... But when you visit, I'm gonna have a couple different ones so we can see whether they're as good as British ones!.. I have a kickass cheese store in my town, five minute walk…
when's mega dome coming to pig land? looks like i've missed something…
Looking like March, it was going to be VERY soon until Mini fucked up her ankle
Don't know. I order online. But I can call tomorrow and ask.
Link http://www.bierzwerg.de/product_info.php?info=p2958_belgien–gouden-carolus-christmas--0-75-liter-glasflasche.html
I guess for this price I can't go wrong, right? -
Have you tried these before?..
http://www.bierzwerg.de/product_info.php?info=p3495_belgien–dubuisson-bush-de-no-l--0-33-liter-mehrwegflasche.html => massively good, and 12%!..
http://www.bierzwerg.de/product_info.php?info=p3027_belgien–abbaye-des-rocs-speciale-no-l--0-75-liter-mehrwegflasche.html => I haven't tried this myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is GREAT!..
http://www.bierzwerg.de/product_info.php?info=p3029_belgien–st--bernardus-christmas-ale--0-75-liter-glasflasche.html => Again, haven't tried it yet, but this should be good!..
Hey Seul,
yes I have tried the Rochefort 10. It took me 3 attempts to fully appreciate the taste. How do you drink it? Cold (let's say around 4-5°C), rather cold, rather warm, at room temperature?
The Bush Noël is on my to buy list. Saw your pics from post #1894 in this thread, where you stated that you need to visit Geers again.
Never tried the Abbaye des Rocs Speciale Noël, but will order it as well. Along with the St. Bernardus Christmas Ale and Malheur 10. However, I'm not quite fond of Geuzes. Tried a bottle of Liefmans Goudenbrand and didn't like the taste. I'm talking about the bottle wrapped in blue paper. As you mentioned before, Geuzes are an acquired taste.Holy fuck this winter will be awesome. This is my to buy list:
Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel
BrewDog Punk IPA
Crew Ale IPA India Pale Ale
Ratsherrn Pale Ale
Häffner Hopfenstopfer Seasonal Special Ale
Propeller Aufwind Double IPA
Dubuisson Bush de Noël
Gouden Carolus Christmas
Abbaye des Rocs Speciale Noël
St. Bernardus Christmas Ale
Malheur 10Cheers
Goudenband is an old brown, not a geuze… But if you don't like the sour beers (yet), then don't try geuze...
Rochefort - funny that you should mention this... Spent two hours warming up, at around 12-14 C° now...
Ah I understand. So Goudenbrand is an old brown. Will try a geuze eventually.
Also, will give your preparation regarding Rochefort 10 a try. Who knows, maybe my learning curve will show an exponential growth -
Cheers boys, my eyes have been opened to a world of beer goodness
I've just picked up some new beer. I think it's time for a full scale reorganization of my beer fridge. At this point, I'm not even fully certain what's lurking in there.
Skipping a season and going for the winter stuff.
I plan on taking a couple of pictures for you, Seul.