All Things Mac/ Apple
Just tried downloading Maverick onto my MacBook Air. Now it's telling me install failed and my Macintosh HD is damaged and can't be repaired. What the fuck!
Did you manage to get this sorted JCar?
I had to take Pams Macbook back to a freshly reinstalled version of Snow Leopard, update that, then install Mavericks and finally put all her files back from the last Time Machine backup…..what a ball ache.
Yes I did but not until I erased my hard drive and reinstalled Lion. Then I was able to install Maverick. I did lose pictures and programs since I never backed up my stuff with Time Machine. After doing all this it wasn't worth the few new changes I got from Maverick. Massive ball ache indeed
Charming, Apple. Quality control seems to be going into the shitter in Cupertino.
I have time machine backups to a network-attached storage array that replicates to a remote backup service.
The new version of Mail is seriously broken when it comes to interacting with Gmail. If you can't get email program to work with one of the biggest providers then there is something badly wrong with your QA department.
As far as I can tell, Microsoft are now being more innovative than Apple, and have better quality control in place. Surely there's something wrong there.
Are you using IMAP or ActiveSync? The latter works great. The UI still has the same deficiencies but I've had no issues.
The new version of Mail is seriously broken when it comes to interacting with Gmail. If you can't get email program to work with one of the biggest providers then there is something badly wrong with your QA department.
As far as I can tell, Microsoft are now being more innovative than Apple, and have better quality control in place. Surely there's something wrong there.
Gmail no longer supports Apple Mail, not the other way around
ActiveSync still works like a charm on my iOS 7 devices. Weird.
Btw Doug thanks for the Nano grease recommendation. A tiny tiny dollop of that works wonders.
Edit: ahh I'm grandfathered in. Sick of these fucking nerd slap fights.
Charming, Apple. Quality control seems to be going into the shitter in Cupertino.
I have time machine backups to a network-attached storage array that replicates to a remote backup service.
SL>L>ML>Mav, that's 4 generations of software, and as long as the latest version of SL was applied, it worked. That's a huge effort. It would have been nice if it threw up an error, however, their documentation clearly states the latest version of SL is required;
RE:NAS, What are you using to stream directly off the NAS to the cloud? Very cool. I use backblaze, but it's an app on the OS, not app on a NAS.
I use a mini as the NAS head, so it's just a regular service. Can't recall the name but they're located here.
Little lady in front of me at Apple had over $5k in cash and a stack of gift cards buying a ton of shit.
Yeah I don't know. Not sure what she could do with everything besides maybe take them to another country? Who knows. Maybe she has a large family and just prefers cash.
Got an Air and griffin survivor. Also got the Apple+ service cause I'm overly cautious.
In my experience, AppleCare is the way to go. Well done. How do you like the iPad Air? I expect that thing to cannibalize the shit out of Mini now.
Maybe I'm just a cynic but that just screams illegal
I dunno, lots of cash always makes me think foreigner buying stuff to take home. We get a lot of Mexican nationals doing stuff like that around here. They'll come to the mall, buy a suitcase, hit a bunch of stores until the suitcase is filled, then fly home. I'm pretty sure the Galleria mall has a service where they'll deliver the suitcase to the airport as a courtesy. And most of the purchases are in cash. I saw a dude on one of those trips buy a $6k Breitling with cash once.
I just updated to 7.0.2, I knew I wasn't crazy when I thought that the animations for apps closing/opening and returning to the home screen were way too gratuitous.
In my experience, AppleCare is the way to go.
I work at a Apple retail store with a service centre in the back. As a "Apple Product Professional" (aka cashier/sales clerk lol) and have to say AppleCare and AppleCare+ are key investments. So many people don't realize how "limited" their limited warranty is usually end up wishing they'd bought AppleCare in the first place. Especially with iPhones.