What's your favorite Beer?
^ previously Abstrakt: 14 as close to alcoholic banana as you can get :). A required Xmas present for my sister.
Tokyo* on draft
18.2% ABV stout.
Well played MorP, Tokyo is one hell of a beer
Seul, whats the Gouden Carolus like?
Yep, as soon as I saw it on the board, I knew I'd be having some :). Trouble is, this means that the rest of my evening will be sharply curtailed. Unless I can soak a bit more up…
It's an evening ending beer thats for sure.
Seul, any temperature and glass tips for a Duchesse De Bourgogne?
It's an evening ending beer thats for sure.
Decided to move on to:
A half of Punk IPA and:
Pork ribs and burnt beans to soak it up :).
What started out as a quick half-pint and lunch has quickly turned into an all night session :(. Oh well…
They only sell it as 1/3 of a pint. Which is probably very wise… I can imagine a lot of masochistic idiots trying to buy full pints otherwise...
It would kill them :o
Sorry Eli, I should have realised that pork, in anything but its natural state would have been upsetting to you :(. On the other hand, in the immortal words of "The Fast Show" I am 'very, very drunk' :).
Read the blurb man, it's an ice distilled IPA masquerading as a spirit. Sounds like absolute insanity, and these guys love their beer alchemy.
Yes, but the taste overrides any sort of wank in the description… Trust me on this. On an unrelated note I have been asked twice if I'm a member of a company called "Synch" by two different people. Purely because I'm drinking alone...
Consider it done