Which Cell Phone do you own?
Palm had a pretty cool solution that never gained traction
I bought 2 Palm Pre's. Hardware was a bit shitty, but WebOS was way ahead of it's time concept wise.
Mophie case with iPhone 5
Just bought an iPhone 5s. Huge upgrade from my iPhone 4.
I can back the Mophie case also. Huge enhancement to iPhone
I'm nearing the end of my contract and considering not even upgrading from my 4S. I have spent time messing around with a mates 5S and I know it's quicker etc…., but not stunningly quicker.
Fuck the tech race, I'm out
Fuck the tech race, I'm out
I'll put a small wager on you having a new phone in a year/1.5 years tops from now. -
As I have no idea if my 4S will break in this time frame it would be a fairly stupid wager for me to agree. However, should you wish to insert a breakage clause I am willing to say I will go no higher than a replacement 4S for the next 12 months ($50 bet) or 18 months ($100 bet).
Let's go with something not money focused, playful style. Snail mail something as yet to be decided of low value.
in 18 months I have a feeling 1 of will likely happen;
a) the battery will not charge properly
b) the software will have security exploits that are not longer patched
c) new versions of software required to remain secure don't run
d) new must have 'apps' won't work properlyDon't forget the phones are designed with a certain planned obsolescence regardless of your usage.
Breaking aside, let's play :). Best of luck to you :).
You're on
So if the screen smashes I don't forfeit right :-\
What Snowy said. All these phones are designed to have an expiration date. Judging from what Apple has done in the past, the iOS7 update will be the last for the 4S
After that, service based apps will cease to work, which personally, I can't have.
I probably could have held out another year on my 4S, but the sooner I upgrade my phone and sell the old one, the more money I can get back for the old one. Jody and I broke even by upgrading, which was pretty cool
You're on
So if the screen smashes I don't forfeit right :-\
Course not :). All in good spirits. Would love to be wrong, here, from both a software/hardware PoV, and also getting to send you something…in 18 months
Put it this way guys, I will hold up my end of the bargain so lets see if Apple do theirs.
So long as I can use it as a phone, camera, access Safari, Email, Facebook, eBay, Instagram and do currency exchange it will do for me. I literally use nothing else at all
Likewise Snowman, lets see what happens dude
I don't agree with planned obsolescence conspiracy theories. It's entropy and technology limitations. Batteries and flash memory degrade and software gets more complex so hardware requirements get more robust. And there's no reason to spend a bunch of money trying to get advanced preservation technologies into these things because that ignores how technology (let alone phone contracts) works. Unless there's ever a modular platform, phones will always obsolesce in a certain timeframe.
My cousin is still using an iPhone 3, not 3G or 3GS and 3 !!!!!! This gives me confidence.