Beard farming thread
I would be stoked if I actually had facial hair that was in the facial part. Oh well, I'll wait a few years and see how it turns out then…
Finn666, the trimmed/groomed looks great. Guys with trimmed beards are always a plus!
Scary shit, right?
Hahaha. Thats a beaut Jeff. Startin mine as we speak. Mine is weird tho, always starts from the top and grows down
This was my longest
And he relocated the family of owls that had been nesting in there.
Haha chris. Jeff, those were a protected species, I'm sending over a park ranger to write you ticket.
I'm doing the Movember thing (late to the game, a bout of food poisoning had me too sick to shave for a minute so I joined late). I can't grow an impressive beard and I enjoy wet shaving as part of my morning ritual. This itchy rat on my face is not going to make it to December.
Hahaha. Thats a beaut Jeff. Startin mine as we speak. Mine is weird tho, always starts from the top and grows down
Christ, pillow, can't believe you ever looked like this!
@pillowPANTS now with added hair! What a year does. Looking good bud!
Nice Jock. Ive got the same boots and love em with ducks. Nice Danners Twin, i have a new pair in black for sale if u are a 12??